Throwback Thursday: Preparing the Nursery

We’ve decided to get back into the groove of our regular schedule. It’s been tough with all the reviews we currently have but with friends having babies we thought this would be a great idea to once again give out a few tips.

Now most of you know all about my Throwback Thursday posts. It’s where I highlight a photo of myself from the past and mommy and I share a few tips. Todays tips is going to be all about preparing the nursery for baby. Now I wish this could be picture laden but we’ll see how it goes.

This is  a picture of my nursery before I was born. Everything is not highlighted in there but you can see almost everything. This was before mommy decided and I decided after a turned a year old that ladybugs were not for me. Now I’m an owl person because I’m a night baby. I love being up with the owls. Here are the essentials that both mommy and I know you’re going to need. I’m also going to list a few things that aren’t essential but are also fun to have. 

  • Crib & Mattress:- Babies need somewhere to sleep and although mommy and I condone co-sleeping a lot of mommies don’t. Do what you feel is best for you and your baby. Choose a safe and sturdy crib and also choose a mattress that fits snugly inside. When buying a crib make sure the slats are no more than 2 3/8 inches apart. They should be close enough to prevent your baby from sticking his/her head through and getting stuck. Also look for a crib where the mattress height can be adjusted. I learned how to climb out of my crib at a very early age and mommy decided the best thing for me was a toddler bed. There are cribs that can be converted to a toddler bed when that time arrives which may save some money in the long run. 
  • Mobile :- This can be attached to either your crib or your changing table. They come in lots of colors and sizes and choosing the one you love the best might be a challenge. With different themes and music selection try to find one that has a volume adjuster. There are a few with remotes as well that helps if baby hasn’t fallen asleep and you don’t want to go in the room for baby to see you. Mommy went through 3 of them until she found the perfect one for me. 
  • Bassinets / Moses Baskets :- This can be very convenient especially if you have baby in a separate room from your own. Mommy had a c-section and having me in her room for the first few days in my own basket helped a lot. They can be moved from room to room easily and are also a very cozy way for baby to sleep. For those who would prefer not having baby in bed with them this makes it easier to feed baby in the middle of the night since baby can be right beside your bedside. 

  • Changing Table with Pad :- This makes it a lot easier to change baby since it usually has shelves where you can store everything that baby is going to need for the many diaper changes that you’re going to be doing. Sure you can change your baby on your own bed but we loved our changing table. Once you have no need for a changing table it can be used for other things as well. With some cute baskets you can now store other items for your toddler instead.
  • Diaper Pail :- After changing baby you’re going to need somewhere to store those stinky diapers. There are lots of options out there on the market with some working a lot better than others. Bear in mind that a lot of them require special bags that need to be replaced very often and can become very costly in the long run. Try to find one that uses regular plastic bags. After all you get a lot of those whenever you go shopping. You’ll also be recycling and saving money. 
  • Glider and Ottoman :- This is a nice quiet place to soothe and feed your baby with the back and forth motion the glider/rocker gives. When buying a glider/rocker make sure that it is sturdy enough for you and has nice padded armrests and seat cushions. Mommy and I spent many a nights rocking back and forth in our glider. 

  • Rug or Play Mat :- You’re going to start having tummy time which is very important to baby, so why not invest in something that is both aesthetically pleasing to both you and baby. It’s also a place where you and baby will spend a lot of time. Mommy decided to have both a rug and play mat. 
  • Night Light :-  With late night feedings and check ups on baby you may not want to turn that bright overhead light on. You also don’t want to stub your toe trying to feel your way around baby’s room. That’s where the nightlight comes in handy. Check on baby without actually waking up baby. 

  • Baby Monitor :- If you’re a heavy sleeper like my daddy or if you live in a big house with baby’s room not too close then a baby monitor will be a necessity. It also gives you peace of mind knowing baby is ok. With the advancement of monitors over the years there are quite a few to choose from. You can now not only hear your baby but see your baby as well in the middle of the night. 
  • Wall Decor :- Now this is all up to you. Whether you decide to do trains, cars, butterflies or fairy princesses this is all a matter of your preference. 

Now that we’ve brought you a few of the things we recommend when decorating your nursery what did we miss? What do you recommend as well? I would love to hear all about it. Be on the lookout for our post next week where we have something else for you mommies having your babies very soon. 

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