Planning a road trip this summer? As you know we just recently came back from our very own road trip. 28 hours of driving from our home to our final destination. With a car of kids ranging in ages nineteen to three, it turned out to be a great adventure. Would we do it again, you bet we will! Taking a road trip with the family can be a fun way to get to your destination, but only if you’re prepared. When planning your road trip, you need to be prepared for frequent stops, hungry kids, whining kids, crying kids and even small arguments between them. These tips for taking a road trip with your kids can help eliminate stress so that everyone in the family can have a good time.

Bring Snacks
I think this speaks for itself and is quite possibly the number 1 rule. Snacks are definitely vital to a successful road trip with kids. Even if you’re on the road for only a few hours, kids tend to get grumpy without food. By bringing snacks, you can give your kids a quick fix for their hunger without pulling over to a greasy fast food restaurant every 5 minutes. This can also help eliminate petty arguments caused by hungry kids! At most rest stops you can stock up when your supplies run low. You want to keep them happy. Happy kids mean a happy trip.
Be Prepared for Bickering
Whether they’re hungry or not, being in an enclosed space with siblings can lead to some bickering. As a parent, this is the last thing you want to hear while trying to drive to your destination. Instead of responding to an argument after it’s started, try to diffuse a tense situation before it becomes arguing and bickering. Bring something along that can give your kids the “space” they need, such as an iPod with earphones.
Don’t Forget Entertainment
Having the right entertainment for your kids can make or break a road trip. In addition to an iPod, don’t forget to bring along some of your kids’ favorite things, such as a tablet or even a portable DVD player with favorite movies. If your kids start to get antsy while sitting in the car, you can give them a game or movie to help occupy their minds. In our case, we even brought along coloring books and markers for Madison so she can occupy herself. You can think of road trip games such as how many different out of state license plates can you spot. It’s amazing how much fewer you see your own state plates the further out you go.
Map Your Route
No matter how old or young your kids are, you will undoubtedly have to stop for multiple breaks along the way. At least one of your kids will need to use the bathroom, eat some food, or simply stretch their legs at any given point in time and so will you. Unfortunately, the remaining miles until the next rest stop can stretch into an eternity when one of your kids is complaining about needing a break. Because of this, map your route for your road trip so that you have frequent rest stops along the way. This will save you and your kids a lot of frustration.
Planning a road trip, no matter how long it is doesn’t have to boring or even exhausting, using our tried and true tips you can have a blast.