How To Renew Your Dresser Drawer While On A Budget

You don’t have to spend lots of money to fill your dresser with decent clothes for social functions and professional duties. The following tips will help you make significant savings on your annual clothing budget:

How To Renew Your Dresser Drawer
  1. Utilize Thrift Stores

People give away their clothes for different reasons. Some do so because their clothes do not fit anymore. Others will donate the clothes because they were a present which turned out not to be their style. The bottom line is that most clothes in thrift stores and consignment shops are usually in good condition, and they are much cheaper.

Thrift stores are one of the best places to get amazing clothes for a fraction of the original price. Take the time and go through the thrift stores in your area. In addition to brick-and-mortar outlets, you can do online thrifting, which is even more convenient. Scroll through the store and find the items you’re looking for.

We should point out that finding the perfect clothes in a thrift store can be a bit challenging. However, the effort is always worth it when you get something you like. Also, you can reduce the hassle of thrifting by signing up for notifications. This way, you’ll receive alerts every time the store has new stock.

  1. Buy Generic Clothes Where Possible

There is really no point in spending big bucks on popular brands for underwear or tank tops that no one will see. By buying generic clothes for these pieces, you will save lots of money that you can redirect to the designer cardigans, shirts, and denim you desire.

  1. Buy Out Of Season

This is by far our favorite hack. Buying clothes out of season saves hundreds of dollars off your annual clothing budget.

Buy your winter clothes in summer or early spring and your summer clothes in winter or early fall. Why is that? Well, many stores make clearance sales during the off-season. You will find plenty of amazing winter clothes with incredible discounts during summer. Most people don’t take advantage of these offers simply because the clothes are not a priority for the season. That’s a big mistake.

Always prepare yourself for the upcoming season in advance. And since the offers are usually insane, you can buy some of the clothes you want in bulk and get even more discounts. That is to say, buying socks in bulk attracts more savings that can be lower than the retail price. This means you can stock up for the future and clothe your entire family without breaking the bank.

  1. Buy Quality Clothes

It’s tempting to save a few bucks by going for the cheapest clothes you can find, but this is a terrible strategy. Most of the cheapest clothes are usually poorly made. The materials used are also of low quality. That’s why the manufacturers have no problem selling them at a throw-away price. But here is the catch, these clothes rarely stay in shape after a few washes, so you’ll have to replace them more frequently. In the end, you’ll realize that cheap, low-quality clothes are expensive in the long run.

For this reason, it’s a good idea to stick to high-quality apparel that can survive the washing machine and harsh weather conditions. The initial cost may be slightly high, but the clothes will give you better value for your money.

How To Renew Your Dresser Drawer
  1. Hunt For Discounts

In an era where apps can scan the internet for coupon codes within seconds, paying full price for your clothes is totally unacceptable. Take advantage of these applications, software, and browser extensions whenever you are shopping. They’ll give you significant savings on clothes, groceries, electronics, furniture, and other items.

In addition to online discounts, search for offers in physical stores. Speak to the salespeople and inquire about any ongoing discounts. It may also be a good idea to sign up for newsletters from these stores to receive real-time alerts for some special offers. However, make sure the offers don’t influence you into buying something that you don’t need.

  1. Take Good Care Of Your Clothes

You can keep your drawer looking good by simply taking care of the clothes you already have. Read and follow the washing instructions for your clothes. Organize your dresser correctly to keep the clothes stored safely. Do not wash your clothes too often. All this does is wear them out.

  1. Consider Selling The Clothes You’ve Outgrown.

Selling the clothes you no longer wear can reduce the burden of your clothing budget. Go through your dressers and closets and pick out all the attire you haven’t worn for ages. Find a consignment shop nearby and sell them off. You won’t get as much money as you spent buying them, but it’s definitely better than nothing.

Filling or upgrading your dresser on a budget is challenging but not impossible. The above guide will help you make the savings you need while maintaining a great closet for every occasion.

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