Top Practical Tips To Have A Good Night’s Sleep

Tips For A Good Night's Sleep

Along with a proper diet and regular exercise, you need proper sleep to recover your body and prepare it for the next day. Not getting proper sleep can create mental health issues, affect your weight, and make you lethargic all day. In a way, your day-to-day activities and the ability to reach your goals depend on the amount and quality of sleep you get on a daily basis. Instead of tossing and turning in your bed all night, consider these effective tips to get a good night’s sleep.

  1. Set a Schedule 

You must set a routine and abide by the sleeping schedule to turn it into a habit. Depending on your working hours, set a sleeping time and go to bed by that hour. Set an alarm to wake up after 7 to 8 hours and do not snooze. Initially, it will be difficult to force yourself to sleep. However, with time, your body clock will adjust to this routine, and it will naturally sleep and awaken at the designated hours. Make sure that you get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night as failing to do so can increase stress levels and impact your overall health. 

  1. Incorporate Physical Activity During the Day

Needless to say, if your body is tired during the day, it will instantly go to sleep. If you suffer from sleep apnea or insomnia, you must incorporate some form of physical activity or exercise during the day. Naturally, if you workout at a higher intensity, you will feel more tired, and hence sleepier by the end of the day. If you are unable to exert force on your body, incorporate light-intensity exercises such as walking. The best time to exercise is early in the morning, right after you wake up. 

  1. Consider Aromatherapy 

Aromatherapy is believed to be an effective remedy for reducing stress levels and inducing sleep. While diffusing essential oils can be effective in inducing deep sleep, it also helps you relax and combat stress. Certain essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, and citrus possess calming properties and can effectively treat sleep issues. You can also mix one of these oils with a carrier oil and massage it on your body. Try meditating when diffusing essential oils in the air to enhance the effect.  

  1. Wear a Magnetic Bracelet 

Magnetic bracelets have a notorious reputation among naysayers. However, when used correctly, they actually seem to work. Invest in a magnetic bracelet, as it has multiple benefits. Apart from improving sleep, it reduces inflammation, improves blood circulation, and relaxes your body. With reduced stress and pain, your body and mind can easily go to sleep. You will believe in the power of magnetic bracelets only after gaining empirical experience. 

  1. Change the Lighting 

The lighting you install in your room can have a major impact on your sleep cycle and quality of sleep. The sleep-inducing hormone, melatonin, reacts to light and affects your circadian rhythm. It is highly active in a dark setting and helps you fall asleep faster. During the day, let in natural sunlight and close the curtains a few hours before sleeping time. Use dim light to complete your nighttime routine. You can also wear a sleep mask. At the same time, avoid using electronics at least 2 to 3 hours before bedtime as the blue light emitted from gadgets can deteriorate your sleep quality and harm your eyes. 

  1. Sip on Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is known to have stress-boosting properties that produce calming effects, which is why it is labeled as a mild tranquilizer. Apigenin is an active antioxidant that is found in chamomile tea and relaxes your body. Before you go to bed, make yourself a cup of chamomile tea and sip on the beverage while reading a book to instantly fall asleep. You can also play relaxing music and tune the beats with your body rhythm to induce sleep.

  1. Do Not Eat Before Bedtime 

Eating right before bedtime will not only disturb your sleep cycle but also cause weight gain. You must eat at least 2 to 3 hours before sleeping as your body will easily digest the food. Sleeping on a hungry stomach can also affect your sleep cycle. Avoid consuming high-carb and sugary foods and drinks for dinner. More importantly, avoid consuming caffeine and tobacco throughout the day, especially right before bedtime. Caffeine keeps your brain active and makes it difficult for you to sleep. 

Tips For A Good Night's Sleep

Your sleep quality determines your productivity and concentration levels the next day. If you have a busy schedule, you must remain active to complete your tasks with ease. For this, getting proper rest is of the utmost importance. Good sleep quality also regulates other body functions and improves your skin.

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