PlasmaBike Review and Giveaway

Disclaimer: I was given the products in this post for the purpose of a review. 

I was not paid in any way to write this review. 

All opinions are my own. 

For those of you that have been regular readers of my blog you know that I’m a girly girl at times and at other times I’m the total tomboy. Those are the times that I personally like, while mommy prefers that I’m in dresses and have tea.

That is so not going to happen any time soon I can assure you. I’m the Evel Knievel of toddlers. I like standing on my rocking horse while rocking without hands.

Well when the kind people at PlaSmart Toys offered to send me a PlasmaBike I was super excited. I was being introduced to my very first balance bike. I already had a tricycle but now I was getting a two-wheeler. Awesome!

My PlasmaBike arrived in a big box which I expected but know the greatest thing about this? There was no set up needed. Yeah all you do is take it out the box and you’re ready to go. I couldn’t wait. I started pushing it back and forth in the house until mommy decided that she was going to take me outside even though it was getting late.

Extra wide wheels

Here are some of the great features that you and your little one are going to love. Extra large wheels for stability and balance. Those big wheels also keep my PlasmaBike upright when I’m not on it so it doesn’t fall over like those other bikes.

Wide seat with carry handle near seat

Wide seat that my little tushie feels comfortable on and there is also a handle near the seat for easy carrying and it’s pretty light too. It weighs approximately 7lbs and is light enough for you and even for me. I was able to lift it a little and I’m only 18 months old. If I can do it then I know you big people can as well, very easily. 

Easy for me to get on and off

Because of the wide wheels there was no need for me to worry that it was going to fall over when I tried getting on, and I didn’t even need any help. Notice though that mommy always make me wear my helmet. Never ride without a helmet! I’m going to let you know as well that I am now 34 inches tall so its a little easier for me to get on and off. If you were a little shorter you might have just a little bit of a problem. 

All powered by my tiny little legs.

There are no batteries that will need recharging, no gears and no pedals, it’s all foot powered by me and it makes it easy for me to go. Notice that yellow button near the handle bars? That’s my little horn. I can push it while riding and it makes a tiny little squeak. 

Easy for me to push around.

When I was finished riding I was able to push it along and it didn’t tire me out. If it did, because of that nifty handle carrying bar that I showed you earlier, it would have been easy for mommy to lift it and take it along. Amazingly great features and an amazing ride. 

I love my PlasmaBike and I know your little one will too. It will help with your little one’s balance and motor skill development. The PlasmaBike is great for toddlers such as myself 18 months and older and can carry a maximum weight of 55lbs. 

Now here is a video that mommy took of me. Once again mommy isn’t that great with videos but she did an ok job. I’m in love with my PlasmaBike and no-one and I mean no-one is taking my PlasmaBike away from me! 

I give my PlasmaBike Two Tiny Thumbs Up!

You can connect with the makers of PlasmaBike via their Website, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube page. 

The kind people of PlaSmart Toys has decided to offer one of my reader their very own PlasmaBike. Giveaway is open to US residents and will be randomly chosen by PunchTab. Winner will have 48hrs to respond to the email sent from PunchTab or a new winner will be announced. Giveaway prize is sponsored by and will be delivered by PlaSmart Toys.

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