Master leash training with our comprehensive guide! Turn your new puppy into a confident walker with expert tips and techniques.

All dog owners know how exciting it is to take the first walk with your new dog. Puppies are not born with walking skills and they won’t understand why they have to wear a leash. You and your puppy need to learn how to walk on a leash. Firstly, you need to leash positively and patiently.
When you adopt or purchase a puppy, it is important to know that the first thing you will need to do is teach him to walk on a leash. To help you in this matter, here’s a perfect guide in which we’ve mentioned all the tips and tricks that will help you in choosing the right equipment, where to take your first walk, and how to prepare your puppy. Leash training is as important as any other training for your dog and this guide will help in the best possible way.

Set Expectations for Your Puppy’s Leash Skills to Neutral
Leash training needs to be started as soon as you bring the new puppy home. But you should not exceed your expectations about how your puppy will react, as this world is new for a newborn puppy. Your puppy needs time to observe and pause so make sure you do not rush your walks because it will not result in anything.
For a newborn puppy, it is normal to walk in a zig-zag line, chase a leaf, stall, and take a nap by the end of the walk. It is important to align goals according to the capability of your puppy; it may be just walking around the living rooms and taking turns.
There is no need for a lot of equipment for leash walking. A Y harness and a 6-foot-long leash are recommended for safety. You should always keep puppy training treats in hand while this training to reward them for their success. Don’t forget to carry a poop bag holder while going for a walk outdoors.
Work on walking without a leash
Initially, training your dog to walk without a leash is important before heading outside. Here are some tips on how to teach your dog to walk without a leash:
- Start this training from home and find a less distracted and quiet place. Start it without a leash, collar, or harness.
- Give your puppy a treat whenever they are next to you and whenever they follow your instructions
- While giving them a treat, put it close to their nose and take a few steps back, which will encourage them to move forward for the treat.
- Teach them this over several sessions until they can do some turns and walk across the room.
- You should stop if the puppy gets ahead of you and give them a treat to lure back
You can even practice the same in different rooms and in your backyard, which is safe for the puppy.
Upgrade your puppy to walk on a lead
Once your puppy gets to learn how to walk without a leash, it’s time to teach them how to walk with a leash. You still have to work with patience because it may take some time for your puppy to get familiar with the new gear. This will teach them that the leash is not something to be afraid of but a good thing. Here are some tips on how to make your dog comfortable with a leash:
- Put the leash on the floor and put some treats around it. Your puppy will inspect the leash by sniffing it.
- Put the leash behind your back and sit on the floor with your puppy
- Reward them with a treat while showing the leash and then hide it. Do this on repeat several times.
- Try keeping the leash closer to the puppy with a treat. In this process, you will have to show the leash to your puppy, give them a treat and then remove it. You need to do this on repeat.
- Clip the leash to the puppy’s harness or color and while the leash is attached, reward them with a treat. Then unclip the leash, hide it, and repeat the same process after a while.
How to start walking with your dog
Start with less distractive areas:
After some indoor training, it is time to walk outside the rooms. Choose a less distracted area to walk outside and you will have to start from small. Start with taking small walks, which will help you minimize distraction. You can start from your parking lot or the backyard. If your puppy is not fully vaccinated, avoid taking him for a walk in an area where you can find other dogs. You can go for a walk right outside your house, as there is no need to take them on a long walk initially. During this time, the duration of the walk is not as important as allowing your puppy to interact, build a bond, and enjoy the time.
Limit the time and encourage good behavior
for a small puppy, long walks can be mentally and physically tiring. So it is important to set limits. Let your puppy take breaks frequently so that he can stop and sniff to relax. Make sure the duration of your walk is not more than 5 minutes, looking at the age of your dog, which means a three-month-old dog’s maximum walk timing should not exceed 15 minutes.
In a nutshell, you need to work with patience and keep going while teaching your puppy how to walk on a leash. Your puppy might take time to get familiar with a leash because this world is new for a newborn pup. So, start by teaching them to walk without the leash and giving treats for every success. Give the puppy time to get comfortable with the leash and start with less distracted areas. You need to know that you don’t have to punish your dog if he is unable to walk properly because this process may take time and can be stressful for a dog owner. Follow the tips and tricks mentioned in the above article to learn how to teach your puppy to walk on a leash.