In a world that is rapidly running out of natural resources, it’s important to take a look at the various energy sources we currently use and how there are greener options. Today’s society is more aware than ever of the consequences of using non-sustainable energy sources.
That said, this article will discuss how harnessing renewable energies can benefit all aspects of human life; from social development to economics. It will also cover the importance of switching to more sustainable energy sources and their benefits.

Economical impact
The economy has gone global! Now, more than ever before countries need to look for better ways of doing things in order to increase their wealth.
As stated above, when fossil fuels become scarcer they will turn into an expensive commodity; meaning that people must pay more money in order to gain access to them. A looming energy crisis is affecting countries across the globe, which started from the compounding energy problems in Europe last year. While Australia may be at the opposite end of the Northern Hemisphere, it is still largely dependent on fossil fuels for energy. In the past few years, the Australian government has directed efforts and initiatives to switch the energy source to solar in Queensland and New South Wales due to their strategic geographic positions. In addition, due to over-dependence on oil and natural gas, countries have not been able to explore their true potential by using other sustainable forms of energy, and Australia is taking a major step in treading the green energy path.
Luckily, research has shown that harnessing renewable energies can contribute a staggering amount of money to a country’s economy. For example, in the United States, wind power alone could produce up to $374 billion worth of electricity by 2030–that is almost half a trillion dollars! This would lead to massive economic development as people would have more money at their disposal and the government would be able to reduce its spending on non-renewable sources.
Environment impact
The environment takes the brunt of the energy source shortage. Not only do fossil fuels produce harmful emissions, which pollute our planet’s air and water; but they also contribute significantly to climate change. That said if we switch to renewable energies like wind or solar power we will be able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and keep our environment clean. In addition, these forms of energy are completely safe for humans and animals alike.
For example, the massive 2011 Fukushima earthquake disrupted electric supplies throughout Japan causing a dangerous nuclear meltdown at a nearby plant that risked contaminating the surrounding area with deadly radiation. This event tells us that if green technology continues to develop it will become much safer and less likely to cause a nuclear debacle. In the future, if an emergency strikes people living in areas affected by natural disasters or those who have been displaced from their homes will have access to clean, reliable energy sources harvested from the sun, wind, water, and earth–sources that are all completely harmless to human health and safety.
The fact of the matter is that it is no longer an option for humans to ignore climate change or look for ways to better manage natural resources–it’s time to take action now! For example, last year President Biden $555 billion for climate and clean energy. Furthermore, according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, if people switch to renewable energies the US will no longer need to import oil from outside sources by 2025–the environment can’t afford to wait much longer!
Social development
Social advancement is closely tied with economic growth; as stated above, this has been proven time and again throughout history. That said, it is important for human society (and Earth) that we focus our energy on developing sustainable sources of energy like wind or solar power.
For example, in remote parts of Africa where electricity is hard to come by people often rely on dangerous kerosene lamps to light their homes. These lamps emit noxious fumes that can cause serious respiratory diseases like asthma; but by harnessing energy from the sun they could be replaced with cheap, safe solar panels. In addition, people living in these areas would be able to access electricity for the first time which would lead to a drastic improvement in quality of life. For example, small farms could use wind or solar power instead of relying on biofuels for fuel, saving them money and allowing them to produce crops that they can sell for a profit. This would be a substantial boost to the economy and social development of these regions.
As is evident now with the recurring energy crisis, it’s important to take a look at all of the problems associated with traditional energy sources and how switching to greener alternatives can help to mitigate these issues. With environmental breakdowns occurring at an ever-increasing rate, we must begin to make better choices for future generations. An effective environmentally conscious mindset should think globally and act locally, meaning whatever you do or wherever you go always think about how your actions will benefit the environment and future generations.