A Very Simple Way to Prepare for the Cold & Flu Season ~ #VicksHumidifier

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Vicks Humidifiers. The opinions and text are all mine.

The seasons have changed, fall is here and winter is on it’s way.  While I love fall and all that it brings, there are a few things I can live without. I love the cooler weather, the falling leaves, and even visiting a few pumpkin patches. There are traditions that we do yearly, including drinking hot cocoa while wearing our favorite flannel or sweater, yet no matter how hard we try, the dreaded cold or flu seems to find it’s way into our household, threatening to spoil the good times that we try to share.

There’s nothing that we want more, as parents, than to make sure that our families are feeling their best. With a household filled with kids, there’s always that possibility that someone is going to come home with some dreaded illness. As a matter of fact, Madison was out just a few weeks ago with a nasty cold. Here in Colorado, kids are required to be fever free for 24hrs before they can go back to school. So she was stuck in the house with me, laying in bed for the most part.

While I have an arsenal of products, by Vicks, and you may remember my post a few weeks ago about my cold and flu basket filled with Vicks products, today I want to share with you one another simple way that I prepare, and how it has helped my family. I’m talking about controlling the germs that are in my house with one simple product. The Vicks® Germ Free Cool Moisture Humidifier.

In Colorado our weather is usually dry or dryer and we lack the humidity that most states tend to have. Keeping the humidity levels in my home is of utmost importance. My son Kyle suffers from bloody noses, while the rest of us generally have dry skin and chapped lips. The Vicks® Germ Free Cool Moisture Humidifier has kept our humidity levels at the ideal levels while helping to alleviate all our dry weather problems.

So how can a humidifier help you?

Here are 3 ways that the Vicks® Germ Free Cool Moisture Humidifier has helped my family.

1. Enables us to sleep better. 

I still have yet to get into the essential oils craze., and as with all humidifiers, you cannot put essential oils into them. It is highly recommended against. The Vicks® Germ Free Cool Moisture Humidifier however has a slot for VapoPads® that are just as amazing as essential oils. For Madison, I generally use the Vicks Sleepytime VapoPads® which includes a rosemary oil and lavendar to create a calming environment when she sleeps. You can also use the traditional Vicks VapoPads® which includes an eucalyptus oil and menthol for soothing scented vapor.

2. Helps with our humidity levels

I mentioned above that my son generally suffers from nosebleeds. Personally, I have a sinus problem and would wake up in the middle of the night congested and barely able to breathe. Since introducing a humidifier in our household, I’ve noticed that Kyle now has fewer nosebleeds and I can breathe a lot easier as well. The Vicks® Germ-Free Cool Moisture Humidifier helps to optimize our humidity levels, making our lives so much easier.

3. Reduces the survival of flu viruses on surfaces and in the air

Did you know that Vicks Humidifiers are helpful in attaining proper humidity levels in your home – which can reduce the survival of flu viruses on surfaces and in the air – and increase your wellness all year round. Studies indicate flu viruses thrive in cold and dry places, making winter air an ideal breeding ground for the virus. By keeping humidity levels in your home between 40 and 60 percent you can reduce the survival of flu viruses on surfaces and in the air. The American Academy of Pediatrics also recommends using a cool mist humidifier throughout the winter months to help relieve congestion and cough in children.

I am loving the Vicks® Germ Free Cool Moisture Humidifier. It was very simple to set up and usability couldn’t be easier. The large one gallon tank allows for up to 24hr use and it’s patented UV germ-killing technology kills up to 99.9% of viruses, fungus, bacteria and mold in the unit’s water, providing the assurance that the humidifier emits a virtually germ-free mist. It’s also very quiet, especially on it’s lowest setting so makes it great for bedrooms as it won’t disrupt your much needed sleep. You can use the VapoPads with your Vicks Humidifier to provide soothing Menthol or Sleepytime Rosemary and Lavendar scented vapors for up to 8 hours.

So get back to what you love doing, and don’t let the cold and flu season keep you down.

The Vicks® Germ Free Cool Moisture Humidifier is currently on Rollback at Walmart for $49.86 (from $59.99) from November 2017 to January 2018, so now is your time to own one.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Vicks Humidifiers. The opinions and text are all mine.
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