Cats have always been a part of my life. While growing up, there was always a cat in our household. After I had a family of my own, it was also one of the first pets we had. Living in Brooklyn, NY in an apartment wasn’t conducive to having a dog thus the reason for a cat. Now that we’re in Colorado where there is a lot more room and open space, we decided to get a few more furry additions to our household. Recently we got a new kitten, named Cross because of his crossed eyes, whom you might have seen profiled on Instagram.

Cross is the newest member of our household and belongs to my youngest Madison. I currently have two other cats, Kitty and Stripes (who belong to my oldest daughter) living with us. Kitty being the oldest of our cats isn’t quite the friendliest and isn’t a big fan of either Stripes or Cross. She loves going outdoors, and Cross wanting to fit in loves going outdoors with her. While I don’t allow him to be outside for too long since he’s new, I also don’t want to keep him cooped up in the house either. Having a semi-outdoor cat can be a bit scary. After all, you have to worry about fleas and ticks, which are no laughing matter. Since he sleeps on my daughter’s bed, I don’t want them in my household. So how can I protect my new kitty from all the perils that await him outdoors, and also free from fleas and ticks?
That’s where Catego® comes in. Catego® is a powerful monthly flea and tick control that effectively prevents fleas, ticks, and chewing lice on cats and kittens age 8 weeks and older, and weighing more than 1.5 pounds.
Today I want to share 4 easy ways that I am protecting Cross and how you protect your own cat as well, regardless of whether they’re indoor or outdoor cats, in turn keeping them healthy and safe.

Microchip your pet
Having your pet microchipped is a must, whether it’s an indoor or outdoor cat. It increases your likelihood that they will be returned safely if ever they get lost, or end up in an animal shelter. However, always make sure that your contact information is kept up to date. You can also consider getting your cat a reflective breakaway collar with an ID tag. If you have the extra cash, you can also invest in a GPS tracker.

Spray or neuter your pet
There are health benefits to having your pet neutered or spayed if female. Even though Cross is a male, neutering him means that he won’t be inclined to wander as far as he might in search of a female companion. It’ll also help in keeping the cat population under control. I’d much prefer not to be a kitty grandma.

Take them to the vet and keep shots updated
Having a pet is like having a child. Be sure to keep up on their veterinarian appointments and keep their shots up to date. Your vet will more than likely immunize your cat against diseases such as rabies, but if you have an outdoor cat, there are other vaccines that he may need to keep him healthy outside. Also, consider looking into insurance for your feline friend. Affordable pet insurance will help cover your cat’s care as it relates to accidents and illnesses.

Monthly flea treatments
Even if you have an indoor cat, parasites like fleas, ticks, and lice can find their way into your home through other living and breathing things. Fleas like your cat’s warm furry body and their blood supply, but you can protect them from getting fleas before there’s an infestation. I love using Catego® which is a monthly treatment designed specifically for my cat. It’s really easy to apply with its patented applicator that minimizes the risk of skin abrasion. When you have a kitten or cat in your arms, you don’t want anything that will hurt them that will draw their claws out. What’s great to know is that it kills fleas within 6 hours, unlike some other leading brands that do the work in 12 hours. Catego® is non-greasy, quick-drying, and is available in 3 dose or 6 dose packs. It also kills all life stages of ticks through contact including Brown Dog Ticks, American Dog Ticks, Lone Star Ticks, and Deer Ticks.

Think about it. You’re not only protecting your furry family friend, but you’re also protecting your family when it comes to parasites. So consider protecting your pet with Catego®. Catego® is available at PetSmart, through Amazon, or your local veterinarians. To find a veterinarian or store location near you that stocks Catego® visit