Whether we like it or not, it’s safe to say that the landline phone has practically become a thing of the past. It isn’t completely forgotten, but it seems like a majority of people have stopped utilizing it.
Nowadays, lots of companies and households have transferred their telephone service to voice-over-Internet Protocol, also known as VoIP. And who can blame them, since this is a much more affordable option?
It doesn’t matter whether you want it for your business or home, you won’t make any mistakes if you opt for it. Now, in case you already do, and you’re experiencing some issues, below we’ll tell you exactly what to do to enhance your voice services pretty fast!

Beneficial Ways To Enhance The VoIP Call Quality
Find A Good SIP Trunk Provider
In the past few years, many corporations have turned to SIP trunking when they wished for their voice calls to be transmitted by utilizing the internet instead of telephone lines. This has brought a plethora of providers into the market, which is why it is difficult these days to pick the best one.
So how can you determine whether a particular SIP trunk provider is good enough? If a certain provider doesn’t offer first-class communications, then you shouldn’t be considering it at all because all other aspects are less important than it.
Select the one that collaborates with Tier 1 voice carriers to restore your calls, and stay away from the ones who utilize least-cost routing (LCR). Another thing to pay attention to is the price. Being the cheapest isn’t always the best option.
Of course, it also doesn’t mean that you should break the bank, but rather something in between. After all, you want your VoIP services to be top-notch, and you’re not going to be able to accomplish that if you choose a provider that is extremely cheap.
These generally employ lower-tier carriers, which will never be capable of delivering the quality of the voice that’s essential for your business communications.
Pay Attention To Call Quality
When it comes to something like this, there are many things that can go wrong that aren’t visible right off the bat, hence, it would be recommendable if you started supervising the quality of your calls.
There are lots of companies out there that provide Voice Insights to their VoIP users, so they can easily track packet loss, track jitter, and metrics like the duration of the call. By doing this, you’ll be spending way less time troubleshooting call quality problems and, instead, addressing any issues before they start seriously jeopardizing your company.
Anything Else That Can Be Equally Effective?
Recognize Bottlenecks In The Current Setup
If you notice that your VoIP calls are experiencing any problems, one of the best things that you can do is to recognize the bottlenecks in your network area. What are bottlenecks precisely? They represent practically any area of your network that has the potential to slow down your connection, or even limit bandwidth.
If you’re still unsure of what it is, let’s just simplify it by saying this: Perceive your network as a pipe with water that flows through it. In this scenario, a bottleneck is literally anything that narrows the pipe. This can be things like:
- Poorly-maintained servers
- Routers that are outdated
- Slow connection speeds from your Internet Service Provider
- Employing Wi-Fi instead of a hard line connection
- Computers with poor Network Cards
If you want to be sure some of these problems are being eliminated, then you should keep your network hardware upgraded. Additionally, you should also use wired connections instead of wireless.
Furthermore, if you want to achieve this, then you should contact seasoned network engineers that are perfectly familiar with all these areas of optimization and VoIP systems.
You Should Consider Contention
What does this mean exactly? Namely, a contention ratio is here to measure the difference between the maximum possible demand for service, and the bandwidth that’s accessible. Just like every single service out there, VoIP communications are also competing with other people on the network who are downloading pictures, music, watching TV shows or movies on a particular platform, and many other things.
Generally speaking, we’re referring to tasks that are using up bandwidth. The more people your business competes with, the lower the quality of your calls is going to be. Therefore, you should buy an assured contention ration from the provider you’re using.

It is easy to conclude how VoIP has streamlined everything when it comes to communication, which is why you must do everything that you can to make sure your voice services are always offering the best possible quality.