How to Easily Have Your Car Shipped in 2021

How to Easily Have Your Car Shipped

Are you moving to a new country? Or are you just simply having your car shipped to somewhere far where it can of more use? Whatever your reason may be, having your car shipped is arguably a stressful and time-consuming thing to do. That is if you don’t know what you are doing, of course.

Getting your car transported overseas might seem like a daunting task but it is doable and a lot of people do it yearly. If you aren’t sure about what to do to have your car shipped, then you’ve come to the right place. This is a guide on how you can get your car from one continent to the other easily.

Preparing Your Car For Shipping

This is the most crucial step for having your car shipped. It’s important because you want to ensure a couple of things. One is that your car needs to be in perfect shape before shipping it. Another is that you want to make sure that all of the documents are ready beforehand.

One of the first things you need to do is to clean your car inside and out. This means having your car undergo a thorough washing and making sure that all of the documents and your personal belongings in the car are already taken care of. 

The first thing you need to do is take your car to the car wash for a good clean on the outside. As for the exterior, that will be completely up to you as you need to take your personal belongings and other items in there as well. Look for old IDs, documents, or anything that can contain your information.

As for the documents, make sure that you bring your car’s registration and insurance documents as well. Most transporters look for this as it is proof that you own the car that’s to be transported out. 

Last but not the least, make sure to have your car thoroughly inspected by a mechanic, or if you can do it yourself, that would be okay. 

Check the condition of your car first so that once it’s received on the other side, you’ll know if there are any damages or problems that occurred during transportation. If you aren’t savvy when it comes to car parts, it’s best to have it checked by a professional instead.

Picking A Transportation Option

There are many ways you can have your car transported. It all really depends on the distance at which the car needs to be traveled. If it’s overseas, a freighter is your only way. But if you’re having your car shipped across the state, for instance, there are more options to choose from.

What you might want to do is pick a transport option based on your budget. A cheap way to have your car transported across the state is through open transport options. This is the most common way to have vehicles transported, and it’s usually done through a large truck that carries many other cars.

As per the Department of Transportation, commercial car carriers can carry a maximum of 80,000 pounds. This equals eight to nine cars per trip.

Another common option is to have your car driven by a designated rider to the location you want to have it shipped. Many companies offer these services, and it’s a good choice, especially for door-to-door shipping. If the distance seems feasible, try to consider this option instead as it is also cheaper.

Alternatively, you can have one of your friends or family transport the car in your stead. This is a good option as well as you know that your car is in trusted hands.

Final Inspection

The process of getting your car transported doesn’t end once the car is delivered. You’ll have to inspect the car upon its arrival too. Make sure that there are no dents, scratches, or any internal damages. The car needs to be in the same condition it was given in, which is why it’s imperative that you do an inspection at the beginning.

Transport companies are obliged to pay for any damages that come as a result of an accident or any mishap during the delivery process.

Getting your car transported shouldn’t have to be stressful. So long as you know what you are doing and what you need to, your car will be transported without any issues at all. As there are many ways to get your car delivered, make sure to consider other transport or delivery options as well.

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