Enjoy a Vanilla Banana Strawberry Smoothie #AStockUpSale #Safeway

This shop has been compensated by Safeway. All opinions are mine alone. #AStockUpSale #Safeway #CollectiveBias

Schools are fully in session and I can’t believe how much the kids eat. Not only do they eat breakfast at home but they also eat lunch in school, get snacks and then come home and eat and eat and eat again. With 3 kids at home and one currently in college I always have to keep my pantry well stocked. My eldest comes home every other weekend from college and when she leaves some of my food supply leaves with her. With the boys who are very active in sports they also need to keep their energy level up. My pre-schooler Madison is currently in daycare and she also need to have a few snacks for her “busy” day. Just recently I went to my local Safeway and boy was I surprised at the amazing sales that they were having. What better way to stock up my pantry than with a Stock Up Sale?

From 9/30 – 10/13 Safeway is having this amazing sale on General Mills products and I was able to stock up on quite a few including a few things that make my kids happy. Items such as Nature Valley Crunch Oats N Honey Granola Bars and their very favorite, Hamburger Helper Cheeseburger Macaroni. I couldn’t believe my eyes, what amazing savings they had! This was truly the time to really stock up for the kids.

You can be sure that we did stock up. We stocked up on quite a few things and not just for the kids but also for me. Madison who was with me got her Honey Nut Cheerios and I got my Progresso Traditional Chicken Noodle Soup. After all I couldn’t forget about me. Now this was the one time that I did wish I used coupons. While I love saving money I’m not big at using them. I’m not frugal when it comes to buying food and I really should be, but with these prices I was good.

We were able to stock up our cart and head on back home before the boys came home from school. Normally after a long day from school I would make the kids fruit smoothies and I was happy to see that my favorite Yoplait Greek 100 Vanilla Yogurt was also on sale. The kids enjoy them and it’s a healthy serving of fruits and probiotics. The recipe is very easy and smoothies are just so easy to make and so very delicious too.

Ingredients needed:


Strawberries (I got organic)

Yoplait Greek 100 Vanilla Yogurt

1/2 cup milk (we love whole milk)

Blender (we use a smoothie blender)


1. Cut up 2 whole bananas and 6 strawberries into the blender jar.

2. Add the yogurt and milk and blend together really well.

3. Pour in a glass and enjoy.

Smoothies are so easy to make and taste so good. Just ask Mikael. He really loves them and thanks to Safeway I’m able to get what I want to make more for him. So run to your nearest Albertson’s family of stores, in my case Safeway and stock up on their sale.

Let’s discuss: What snacks do you kids enjoy after school? 

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