Looking for an easy Valentine’s Day craft idea to do with the kids? This popsicle stick heart butterfly is not only easy but also fun to make, takes little to no time, and makes a great DIY gift.

It’s the first day of February and in just 13 days it’s Valentine’s Day. We have been having not-so-great weather the past few days and with nothing much to do, Madison and I decided to do a few crafts. They were so easy that I decided to share them here with you.
If you have little ones and you have no idea what to do with them on a cold, wet, or even snowy day, I highly suggest taking a trip to your local dollar store, Hobby Lobby, Michaels, or even Walmart. Stock up on craft supplies and just let them have a go.
We decided on making some Popsicle Stick Heart Butterflies that we could share. We had everything on hand to do our craft, but I’m super horrible when it comes to cutting, so I decided to make a trip to Michaels to pick up some heart punches. For some reason, the ones I had last year did a magical disappearance. I’m sure I’ll find them, but I wasn’t in the mood to turn the house upside down looking for them. I’ll link to the ones that we used in our post.
Popsicle Stick Heart Butterflies
Supplies used:
Popsicle Craft Sticks
Printed card-stock paper
Pipe cleaners
Googly Eyes
Aleene’s Tacky Glue (or you can use a glue gun)
(If you decided to use heart punches you’re going to need 2 sizes)
The directions are so simple that I almost decided to forgo them but here they are for those who still need them.
Step 1. Cut out hearts in 2 different sizes. With your heart punchers, it is super easy to do. If you have a younger child you can help cut or punch them out.
Step 2: With your glue add your small hearts onto your bigger hearts. So you’ll have hearts on hearts.
Step 3: Add some glue to your popsicle stick on the back and then attach your hearts overlapping one onto the other.
Step 4: Cut your pipe cleaners into small pieces. Shape into a V and attach to the back of your popsicle stick with some glue.
Final Step: This is possibly the most fun step. Attach your googly eyes. We used the smallest googly eyes we could find since we used small popsicle sticks. If you use larger popsicle sticks then you can use slightly larger googly eyes than we did.
You’re all done!
Madison had a blast doing this and I allowed her to do it whichever way she felt like, letting her be independent. Crafting together is a great way to spend quality time with your little one and it also enhances their gross motor skills.
If you’re not comfortable using a glue gun or having your little one use the glue, pour a little bit of the glue into a container and let them use it with a popsicle stick.
You can also buy regular popsicle sticks and have them color the sticks into different colors.
If you decide to use plain paper, coloring the paper is also another way for them to be uniquely theirs.