I Got Social With I and Love and You

A few weeks ago I was invited to a media event by the I and Love and You pet food company. The all natural pet food company based right here in my adopted state of Colorado. They were introducing a brand…

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Keep Your Furbaby Clean and Smelling Great with Dr. Harvey’s Herbal …

My furbabies are part of the family. That means they sleep on the couch, sleep on the bed, sleep practically wherever they want just as my kids do. They are also fed the best just like my family because they…

Bentley the Cocker Spaniel Loves Pooch Perks

We love our children and want nothing but the best for them and today I’m not talking about our human children, I’m talking about our 4 legged children. Bentley our Cocker Spaniel is part of our family and he’s treated…

Can I Have More I and Love and You Please?

We love our pets more than life itself. Our cat “Kitty” has been with us since she was 8 weeks old. Madison was just a little over a year old when we got her so they’ve grown up together. She…

Teaching Your Child to Take Care of a New Pet

While this blog primarily belongs to Madison, I have been having a great time sharing my parenting tips with you. Today I want to share something that most parents have to deal with. As you are aware we have some…

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