EcoPrincess Organics Lotions

Who doesn’t love nice-smelling products? What about products that not only smell great but are great for you as well. With deadly, cancer-causing chemicals in baby care products like lotions and bubble baths, it’s a real concern among mothers that…

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Boogie Wipes Review and Giveaway

There is nothing like having a cold and having your mommy wipe your nose with those hard tissues that only make your nose hurt more. Boy do they hurt and after a couple of wipes, I don’t want anyone touching…

Branam Xylitol Tooth Gel/Toothpaste Review ♥

You’ve probably been given Xylitol gum after a dentist visit or seen the commercials encouraging the use of Xylitol, but what exactly is Xylitol? Xylitol is an all-natural ingredient found in berries, vegetables, and birch trees and has been approved…

My Favorite All Natural Products

Being a small human mommy thinks that it’s best that I use all natural products, preferably ones that haven’t been tested on animals. We think we’ve found the perfect company. Shea Moisture! If you’re in love with natural or organic…

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