The Benefits of Decluttering

Cluttered living room

It is fair to say that it does not take much too much effort for our homes to become cluttered and disorganized. Children, pets, and other responsibilities exponentially increase our chances of living in a cluttered environment. Trust me, I know first-hand the struggles. I am a wife of a busy and overworked husband, mom of three rambunctious children, and fur mom to 1.  I personally wished that the process of decluttering was equally as simple as the clutter accumulation. Today I am going to share factors that support the case for decluttering and why I personally aim to live clutter-free in 2020.

Today’s post is a guest post by my good friend Natalie of Contemporary Mochanista. I met Natalie at a blog event, and we’ve been close ever since. Chatting consistently on the phone and by text. So without further ado, here’s Natalie on the benefits of decluttering.

Often many of us realize the benefits of living in a clean and clutter-free home until after we embark on our decluttering journey. Here are some benefits to decluttering that you may not have realized.


Let us face it, we all wished there were more than 24 hours in a day, right? Have you ever thought that excess clutter could decrease your productivity? Think about it, how many times have you had to wade through the clutter in your home to get to an area of your home? How much time did you spend looking for that one item? Decluttering can quickly increase productivity by allowing us to move around our homes freely and provides the luxury of knowing (or finding) various items that you may be looking for.


As mentioned earlier, excess clutter can pose a physical hazard to your health by obstructing areas of your home. It can also lead to unwelcomed guests, such as insects, and rodents into your home. Your mental health becomes impacted by provoking feelings of fear, anxiety, agitation, depression, and distractions. It is fair to say that our lack of productivity can also add to these emotions, which ultimately strengthens the case on why you should declutter.


Decluttering will allow you to reclaim that space that was once lost in the sea of clutter. I know so many friends and family members who have not been able to set foot in areas in their homes because they were consumed with clutter.

There are simple and effective ways to corral clutter and reclaim and/or repurpose space in your home by using various items such as wicker baskets and acrylic bins.  Incorporating storage and decorative elements can easily alleviate and space/storage issues you may have. Learn how to maximize all the space and rooms in your home in 6 weeks with the clutter-free in 2020 guide.


It is no secret that we spend more money on items that we may already have at home. Decluttering will minimize that by allowing you to know and locate things that you may have thought were lost or did not know we already had. This is especially true for cluttered kitchen pantries and kitchen cabinets. Think about it, how many times have you purchased food items that you thought that you did not have, only to find that it was hidden behind the other foods? Decluttering your kitchen cabinets and pantry will cut down on the food waste, often resulting from duplication and/or expired foods.

This concept can be applied to your bathroom or other rooms in your home that house products with and without expiration dates. Learn more about how to organize your kitchen and how you can affordably customize your kitchen cabinets to help maximize space and organization.

Decluttering also serves as an eye-opener to our spending habits, which can lead to increased awareness and the opportunity to adjust our spending.


I am sure you have heard the saying, “another man’s trash can be another man’s treasure!” This is so true on so many levels! Often when we embark on our decluttering journey, we learn that some of the items purged no longer aligns with our priorities, style, and home décor. Because your personal style and preferences have evolved, it does not mean that the value of your items has lost its appeal to someone else! Recently a friend of mine embarked on her decluttering journey and discovered that she no longer liked her high-end Tory Burch bag, Coach purse, and a North Face jacket. I jumped on this opportunity and scored major deals. My friend benefited by getting rid of the items that took up valuable closet storage.

You can earn some serious cash and from decluttering by selling some of the items from your purge. You can easily organize a garage sale or list items for sale on various online sites. You can also donate items to your local charity or thrift store for a tax right-off.


As mentioned earlier, people who reside in cluttered homes have an increased chance of having emotional stress, such as anxiety, depression, agitation, and distraction. These emotional states can also significantly strain relationships between couples, children, and extended family members. Once the stress of decluttering is resolved, frayed relationships have a chance to be restored and improved.

I hope I made a case for decluttering! Many thanks to my dear friend AnnMarie for allowing me to make a case for decluttering.

More about Natalie:

I am a Believer, lover of travel, a self-proclaimed home décor enthusiast (I am the black Martha Stewart…in my head), and enjoy living life to its fullest. For the past 10 years, I have spent countless hours in prayer, research, teaching, and mentoring women on how to restore, reimagine, and reclaim their lives. On Contemporary Mochanista, I share all my tools and knowledge to help others meet their maximum potential at whatever stage of life they are in. Let’s be friends! You can connect with me on my blog  Contemporary Mochanista, Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook.


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