Priorities Shifted and I Want to Be Known as MOM

Madison’s mommy here! I’ve been meaning to write this post for quite some time and today just seemed like the perfect time to do it, I originally intended to name this “I need to be a mom and not a blogger” and I’ll tell you why. When I first started Growing Up Madison, it was supposed to be about Madison and her everyday adventures. It’s why our tagline says “Follow me on my adventures through toddlerhood and beyond!”. We wanted to share what she’s been up to and sprinkle in with a few things that we loved trying. I’ve noticed that Growing Up Madison has however turned more into a review/giveaway blog and it was never our intention. Granted the things that we review are all products that we loved but it was not what Growing Up Madison is all about. This was our way of sharing with family and friends who couldn’t see her everyday. This was our way of sharing what was going on with her. Instead family and friends have seen more sponsorship posts than her adventures.

Last year 2015, we toned down a lot on our reviews but it was still a lot of sponsored posts. And most people would say “well it’s money and who turns down money?”. Granted that’s true but there’s a lot that goes behind sponsored posts. I’ve noticed that I spend far way more time behind my computer than I have with my family. Time spent promoting posts via social media and even when we do go out to have “fun”, it’s usually fun that will be highlighted on the blog so my camera is everywhere. It’s gotten to the point where a package would arrive and Madison would say “Is that for the blog?”, “Can you take a picture now so I can play with it?”. Or her ever famous, “Mommy, what are you doing? Are you blogging?”. Now when a 3 year old knows about the word blogging, it’s time for me to tone down and be mommy and not a blogger. Once again, this was never about the money.

While I do intend to do the occasional review for companies I’ve worked with in the past, new companies might not make it, unless it’s really some product that I just can’t live without. And trust me, I can live without most of the things that I’ve promoted in the past. Sponsored posts will also be far and few between. I’ve contracted to do a few sponsored posts this year but won’t really be taking on much work. This was supposed to be about our adventures and that’s what we’ll be doing.

So what’s new for 2016? Well we have a few trips planned and we will of course share them with you once we get back. We will be heading to NYC, my home town in just a few days to visit with family and friends. We have another trip planned in March to the UK to once again visit with family and one to Canada later in the year. We’ve purchased season passes to Six Flags and will be attending as much as possible. Colorado is now my home state and there is much to do here, so I will be looking into doing as much as I can with family. Family has to become a priority. I spent a majority of my life in the army where family came in second. I’m now retired and they now have to come first.

Family is more important to me than anything else. I lost my mom a few months ago and I realize that I may not be around forever and I would much rather my kids remember all the fun times we had, compared to them saying at my funeral “well my mom was too busy with the blog that she didn’t have much time for me”. So we’ll be taking blog breaks to enjoy ourselves in 2016,  and you will be following Madison on her “adventures through toddlerhood and beyond”.

Happy New Year Everyone! From my family to yours!

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