First Time Traveling With Your Newborn – What To Expect

You may have been traveling all your life and think you’ve got everything figured out, but traveling with a newborn is practically a science. There are so many things to take into account, the baby’s comfort being the first one. You have to manage to stick to the baby’s daily routine while simultaneously trying to keep out of other passengers’ way and not giving yourself a headache. It’s going to get easier the more you travel with your baby, but we all have to start somewhere. Here are a few tips to help you have a safe and relaxing trip.


The first thing that needs to be emphasized here is that you are important as much as the baby. People tend to forget about themselves completely in these situations and focus on only the things the baby needs. In reality, it’s much easier to pack for yourself first because you already know what you’re going to need. What’s more, taking care of your needs first helps you get the unfamiliar situation under control.

In turn, this leaves you more relaxed and confident, providing the perfect mood to take care of the baby. It’s much easier to complete the tasks ahead when you’ve got a clear head. Finally, your little one will sense the calm and mimic the emotion. So, by taking care of yourself, you’re also ensuring you don’t have a fussy and difficult baby on your hands.


Since this is your first time traveling with your newborn, it’s best to be prepared for all emergencies. The baby’s health and safety should be your priority, which is why you’ll need a first aid kit. Minor medical problems can easily be solved with a properly packed first aid kit. Prescription medication should also be packed, regardless of how often your baby needs them.

You should also consider filling out an emergency sheet with the baby’s information. You could also save it on your phone. This list should entail the contact names of the healthcare providers, as well as their numbers. If your baby has any allergies, put them on the list too.


It can be tough for baby’s to handle car rides or flights, so it’s essential to do everything in your power to make them as comfortable and calm as you can. If you’re traveling by plane, the air pressure changes are inevitably going to bug your little one. You can ease their pain by giving them something to suck on- breastfeed, give them their pacifier, a sippy cup, or a bottle. This will naturally pop the baby’s ears and adjust the pressure.

You should know that not all babies feel pain when traveling, but the mood of your little one will indicate whether you need to take action or not. If they’re fussy even though they’ve slept, eaten, and their diaper is clean, it’s probably the air pressure that’s bugging them. If traveling by car, don’t take your baby out of the car seat. Instead, give them something to suck on while you’re both strapped in, as this is the safest method.


We all like planning out our vacations and seeing as many things as we can, but perhaps it’s best to take it slow with the newborn involved. You’ll still be able to enjoy your holiday, but maybe it’s best to choose a location which is suitable for walking, lounging around, and spending time together. Since the baby is so young, they’re going to need almost constant attention.

The first few days especially should revolve around getting to know your new environment. You can take the baby out for a walk, or sit on the beach in the late hours of the afternoon when the sun is just right. Even just lunch at a family restaurant can be on the agenda for the first day. Make sure to let your child nap and don’t mess with their routine too much, and you’ll both be enjoying your vacation.


You’ll want to be prepared for everything while you’re traveling. You’re not going to be home or near a store now, if the baby needs something immediately, you’ll have to have it with you. Practical packing means that you should focus on the right supplies rather than the cute vacation outfits you bought for your kid.

There should be an abundance of nappies and separate bags to dispose of the dirty ones quickly. Baby wet wipes and baby powder are also essential. As far as feeding is concerned, perhaps it’s more convenient to switch to the formula just while you’re on the road. The baby’s pacifier is a must, and of course, don’t forget about baby strollers. These items will give your little one comfort and safety, while also giving you tools to soothe and quiet them if they feel upset.


It’s advisable to delay traveling with a newborn before they’ve had their first round of vaccines. Of course, whether you postpone your trip or not depends on your destination, too. If you’re traveling somewhere close and there is no outbreak of any disease, you can bring your baby. It’s sensible to check the news first and do some online research about your destination before you go.

If you’re going by plane and are traveling far, perhaps it’s best to delay your trip until the baby is vaccinated. Airports are big places with lots of people, and who knows what kind of disease they’re carrying with them. Your baby’s immune system isn’t strong enough yet, so it’s better to play it safe.


Traveling with a newborn seems downright impossible, but can be one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll have with your baby. Whether you’re going on your first family vacation or visiting relatives, you’re bound to deal with a lot on the way. Being organized and focused is the key to a successful trip, so pack up, get your head in the game, and be prepared to pat yourself on the back when everything goes smoothly.

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