Love Taking Care Of Your Garden? Here Are Some Tips To Help You Out

A garden is a place of serenity. It is the place where you can get away from your busy life and enjoy some time to yourself. Whether it be surrounded by flowers, or vegetables, or just sitting on a bench in the shade, one cannot help but feel at peace when they are in their garden. If you love taking care of your garden, read on these helpful tips!

gardening tips

Watch Your Water Usage

One of the most important things you can do to keep your plants healthy is water them regularly. The goal is to keep the soil moist but not too wet. Overwatering will kill your plants faster than under-watering because all their energy will go towards growing foliage instead of producing fruit or blooms. Depending on the type of plant, you should water it 2-3 times a week.

Choosing proper watering equipment is important too. If you water your plants with a sprinkler, the water will evaporate before it ever has time to soak in and this can lead to mold or mildew growth which in turn could kill your plants. When possible, choose drip irrigation over traditional sprinklers because they use less water than their counterparts and invest in some garden hose reels to be able to water your garden hands-free. Another way to cut down on water usage is by adding mulch around plant bases. It will hold moisture in the soil, keeping it moist for longer periods while reducing evaporation at the same time.

Replenish Nutrients

The nutrients in the soil are an essential part of being able to have a healthy garden. There are a few ways you can replenish those nutrients as they’re being used up by the plants. One option is to add fertilizer to your soil before planting begins and remember to water it well after doing so.

Another way to do this is by layering organic compost on top of the existing soil. You’ll need a lot of this though, about 5 inches worth, which will make the area higher than surrounding dirt levels but it will be well worth it when you reap the benefits later on down the road. Instead of always buying bags or fresh compost, bring some from home that may have been sitting for a while and then let it age out in an open space instead of storing it all year round because this will prevent unwanted odors and mold growth.

Build Garden Beds

One of the biggest problems gardeners face is deer and other animals destroying their hard work. Animals will eat anything and everything they can get their paws on, leaving you with nothing but stalks and stems of your favorite plants one day. One way to avoid this problem is by building a raised bed for your plants. It gives them a height advantage so that the animals cannot reach them as easily plus it gives them space underneath where you can put mulch or gravel to deter rodents from hiding underneath. This also allows good airflow beneath the soil which discourages harmful pests like slugs and pill bugs from ruining your garden.

Control the Weeds

When planting seeds or new plants in your garden, you want to make sure they have enough space to grow and thrive. But when the soil is full of weeds, it makes it difficult for new plants to get started. Weeds start with just a single seed and before you know it, they’ve turned into an entire weed garden so take action as soon as you see them sprouting up because otherwise, these invasive weeds will choke out your other plants and turn everything brown – not what we’re going for here.

Use Companion Planting

Companion planting is one of the best ways to keep pests away from your garden while also attracting bees and birds that can help pollinate your flowers or fruit trees which means more food for you at the end of the season. It’s simple really: plant garlic next to roses to keep away aphids and plant basil next to tomatoes to keep away whiteflies. Other common companion plants include:

  • Marigolds – deter whiteflies, nematodes, and rabbits
  • Potatoes – shade out unwanted weeds and help deter pests
  • Chives – deters aphids and other harmful insects while attracting bees that pollinate flowers
  • Carrots – deters leafhoppers and other harmful insects

Once you decide what plants are right for your garden, simply plant them next to each other in rows or scatter them about the area. Once one starts growing well, the others will naturally follow in its footsteps which is a great way to have a sustainable garden that provides plenty of food while being environmentally friendly at the same time. 

Caring for your garden may seem like a difficult task, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many ways you can reduce the amount of work that is needed to keep your plants healthy and thriving. But, following these simple steps will ensure a healthy, thriving garden all season long!

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