BGCA Triple Play Tips for Living a Fulfilling Life – #GreatFutures

Read on to find out how the Boys and Girls Club of America’s Triple Play program can help your children and teens live a healthy, fulfilling life!

At the beginning of every year I make decisions pertaining to my kids life and also my own. I vow to eat a lot healthier, exercise more and even to volunteer more. We usually start off really well but by the third month, sometimes even the second, we start slacking off. This year however, I’ve decided that nothing was going to stop me, but I needed help and what I consider motivation and accountability. After all, I do care about my children’s health and wellbeing. Their health and wellbeing means so much more than just eating healthy and staying active. It’s also about them accepting others and their differences, and also accepting their own differences. It’s also them knowing that small changes can make a big impact on their lives. Just take for example, drinking an extra 8oz glass of water can be that big difference between being dehydrated or not. Don’t discount the small stuff.

I have always been a fan of the Boys and Girls Club of America and my own kids have attended a few of their programs. What I didn’t know however was the fact that between 3-7pm juvenile crime escalates, and 11.3 million kids are also left unsupervised at that time. The BGCA however is open at that time everyday after school when kids and parents need it most. Also 1 in 5 kids won’t graduate on time, but 90% of the club’s alumni graduated and earned either their high school diploma or equivalent.

With national support from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation and Coca-Cola, the Boys & Girls Clubs around the country was able to put into operation, Triple Play. Triple Play is a comprehensive health and wellness program that focuses on three major components, Mind, Body and Soul. It enables children with the tools and awareness that is necessary for them to live a healthier and fulfilling lifestyle.

Today I want to share with you 3 Tips incorporating all three of the key components of the Boys & Girls Club of America’s Triple Play program, Mind, Body and Soul.


Developing a knowledge base to acquire healthy habits, such as making smart food choices, understanding appropriate portion sizes, and creating fun and healthy meals.


Becoming more physically active through daily fitness and fun, including activities to get kids active and moving.


Strengthening character and reinforcing positive behavior with activities designed to improve confidence and develop interpersonal skills.

Eat Balanced Meals and Hydrate (Mind)

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day but most people tend to skip it. Breakfast doesn’t have to be big but it should be nutritious. Skip the sugary cereals and go for whole grains. Add some fruit, milk or orange juice and even some turkey bacon if you would like to incorporate meat for breakfast. Oatmeal is also a great way to start the day and is also a lot more filling. Remember to hydrate throughout the day as well, especially during the summer. It’s recommended that you drink at least 8-8oz glasses of water, even during the winter. Drinking water helps you digest your food and helps to remove toxins and other waste from your body. When your children are well fed, they also do better in school since they’re not focusing on how hungry they are.

Exercise (Body)

Get up and go! Exercising doesn’t generally mean hitting the gym. You can workout in the comfort of your own home. Instead of sitting on the couch watching your favorite stories and TV shows, get up and do a few lunges or squats. If you have pets, take them for a walk, or if not, go for a walk on your own. Take time to smell the roses as the saying goes. Living in Colorado there is lot to do but as a family we tend to do a lot of hiking during the summer. Enroll the kids in some after school sport activities and encourage their participation by cheering them on.

Get Involved with a Charity (Soul)

They say the most effective way to teach your children about charitable giving is to talk to them about why it is important. Not only can you talk to them about it, you can get them excited! How is this possible? By incorporating it into something they already love. Color drawings or make crafts. Give them to a senior home or Meals on Wheels program which in turn bring smiles to the seniors! This can teach them to be kind to others, to be generous, develop helpful habits, and to give without receiving a tangible reward or praise, other than what they feel.

We have been following our own tips and I have to say that it has been working out well for us. If you are concerned about your children or even if you just want them to live a well balanced life, consider registering your child at a Boys & Girls Club near you. Be sure to download the parent guide for valuable tips as well.

This year the key mantra for the club is “I FEEL BETTER WHEN…”, it’s a way to get your children and even yourself to commit to living a healthier lifestyle. Commit to make small changes today, because those small changes can make a significant impact on the rest of your life. You can do it! 


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