Sick Just Got Real™ Healing Basket – #AMomCanDream {Giveaway}

Parenting has never been considered a bed of roses, and if you’re a parent you can relate. I’m talking about unpredictable days. Days where one moment you’re dealing with a bouncing baby or in my case a pre-schooler and the next you’re in the emergency room with a child suffering from pneumonia. A child whom you’re helpless doing anything for because her illness is outside of your scope. Seems like one minute you’re enjoying the sunshine and the rain and the next you’re not. Anything can happen in the blink of an eye. I am a parent times four and I can tell you I have so many stories that I can share with you. For example, my youngest son, Mikael aged 11 now, encountered his first broken arm at the tender age of 9 months. Learning how to walk, you couldn’t take your eyes off him for a moment. Being a mom dealing with 2 other kids, you can’t be in all places at once, so for me it seemed like I looked away for just a second and the next thing I knew, he was crying because he tried climbing up on the bed and fell. We (both my  husband and I) didn’t realize his arm was broken until the very next day when his arm was swollen. Mikael however didn’t seem to mind since he was still trying to climb, but yeah, Sick Just Got Real™ for us that day!

This is a sponsored post on behalf Pfizer’s Sick Got Real™ campaign. All opinions are however my own 

Sometimes it seems like we parents just can’t seem to get a break. From scheduling playdates, school meetings, running errands, homework, getting dinner on the table, it seems like the day just run on and on. When do we ever get a chance to have some “me time”? Is there even such a thing called “me time” when you have kids? You can’t even take a potty break without someone coming to ask a question or to complain about something. However when your little one is sick, the illusive “me time” just seems to disappear completely.

Pfizer wants you to realize that you’re not alone. We all want that one minute to ourselves, but we also want our little ones to be healthy. That’s why Pfizer makes these amazing pediatric products for when our little ones are under the weather. They are a staple in my household and can make bad days a lot better. I make sure to have my Children’s Advil® which helps in reducing their fevers whenever they have one, Chidren’s Dimetapp® cold and allergy because sometimes you just want to fight those allergies and help to relieve their stuffy noses and soothe their itchy watery eyes. I also keep Children’s Robitussin® DM Day/Night on hand. It’s specially formulated for kids and relieves congestions and lets them get the rest they need, after all, we don’t want their cough keeping them up at night. What’s great is that they come in flavors that my kids love. Madison would be the first to say “that medicine is *discusting*”, but when taking her grape or fruit punch flavored Children’s Robitussin® she’s all good.

I also put together a Sick Just Got Real™”healing basket” for my little ones that just “seems” to make them get better quickly. My basket is super easy to replicate and mostly include items that I just know that my kids would love.

1. A book or books of their choice.
My kids are big readers, especially my youngest and when she’s not feeling well, I’ve noticed that reading to her and with her makes her feel so much better. It also puts her to sleep a lot quicker, allowing me  to have my “me time” a lot sooner than later.

2. Favorite stuffed animal.
While an older child may not have a favorite stuffed animal you can always substitute with their favorite doll or action figure, or even their favorite blankie if they still have one. Whatever makes them feel safer.

3. Snacks.
When a child is sick, they don’t particularly like eating lots of food, and may forsake eating altogether. I like to have fruit bowls available along with electrolytes and of course water. You have to keep them hydrated and as long as they’re are ingesting something, be it liquid or solid, I’m happy.

4. Tissues.
Don’t forget the tissues.  You may need it to wipe the runny noses and maybe even a few tears.

As part of their Sick Just Got Real™campaign, the pediatric brands of Pfizer Consumer Healthcare have released a video depicting a small glimpse of what moms may feel and experience when their child is under the weather. Oh, how I can relate to that video, especially that part of having that faucet that just pours out white or red wine. There are days when I can drink an entire bottle myself and I’m sure a lot of you mother’s out there can relate.

Let’s discuss: What sick stories do you have to share?

Today one of my readers will get the chance to win a $25 Visa Gift Card so you can enjoy some me time. The winner will be randomly selected and will have 48hrs to respond to the winning email. Failure to do so will mean forfeiting your prize and a new winner will be chosen. Good luck!

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