Say hello to a Cavity Free Halloween

Halloween is just a few days away and we are almost ready. It’s one of those days that most children look forward to and most it is not because of the brand new costume of their favorite character that they’re going to wear, it’s mostly all about the candy that they get to consume that day and the days following! For most, this is the one time that they get to indulge in all the sweets they can eat. However, don’t let this one day turn your kids beautiful smiles into trips to the dentist office. As a hello products ambassador I want to share with you, some tips on how you can have a cavity free Halloween, this Halloween and all year-round.

Set Rules

While you don’t want to the mean mom or dad, set a limit as to how many candy they can have while out trick or treating. Too much candy may not only give an already active child a sugar rush, but you’ll also be out without any means to brush. Choose candy that can be eaten quickly to avoid your little one’s white pearlies being exposed to prolong sugar.

Avoid Hard & Sticky Candy

Candy that stays in your mouth for a long time, or stick to your teeth takes a longer time to be washed away, subjecting your teeth to an increased risk for tooth decay. Sticky candy can also stick to the grooves of your teeth and can be difficult to wash away as well. When you’re on the go, you’re not thinking of brushing so avoid the hard and sticky candy while out trick or treating.

Brush & Floss Your Teeth

While you should brush at least twice a day, you should most certainly brush as soon as you get back from trick or treating. We know that they can’t resist eating a candy or two while out, so brush and teach your little one how to floss, to get those little particles that their brush may not be able to get. It’s very important that you brush before bedtime because sugar can linger on your teeth causing decay, and you don’t want that! Remember to replace your toothbrushes at least every 3 months as well.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Dentist

If you are due for a cleaning, this is the best time to schedule that appointment. You should see your dentist at least twice a year so that your dentist can catch any problems before they happen. You may even be able to turn in some of those candy for a special treat!

Do Your Part

If you are going to be the one at home passing out candy, pass out “smile friendly” treats such as sugar free candy or even sugar free gum. We are even passing out little hello bubble gum mini toothpaste this year as a way to say “take care of your teeth”. Also limit how much candy your little ones can eat at one sitting. As with everything, moderation is key.

Let this year be a cavity free year for your little ones and don’t forget to get your hello products at your local Target or Walmart.

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