Many parents do not feel safe when their children lie alone, but science has shown that letting children sleep on their own when they’re little helps children to be more independent. Moreover, this helps both parents and children have more space and be more comfortable when sleeping. But is it easy to train your baby to sleep alone in a crib? Let’s read the following article to understand more.
When should you transition your baby to a crib?
This is related to how big and how old your baby is. Check the instruction of the bassinet to know if it still suits your baby. The typical weight limit for a regular bassinet is from 15-20 pounds, when your baby might be 3 – 4 months. If the your baby has outgrown her bassinet, try switching their sleeping place into a crib. This will make your baby feel more comfortable for both sleeping and playing. When your baby reaches 3 – 6 months, you should consider switching their sleeping place.
Why does your baby hate sleeping in a crib?
After a long time sleeping in a bassinet, it’s hard for babies to sleep in any another place because children generally feel safe and secure when they are in a familiar place.

How to get your baby used to sleeping in a crib instead of bassinet?
Create your baby’s crib position
- Don’t rush. Just give it time to help your baby get used to the crib step by step. You should let the crib become familiar to your baby. Consider a pre-warm up by letting them listen to a familiar sound or a lullaby.
So, where should the crib be?
While it may be best to have your baby’s crib in your bedroom so that you can see your baby, having your baby in a separate sleeping area might be a better idea so that they can get accustomed to their new sleeping arrangement.
The crib should be in a dark and cool place. Don’t place your baby’s crib near the doors due to the fact that outside noises may wake them.
- Do not place the crib near the window.
For some parents, you may not realize that your child can climb out of the crib until you see them do so. To be more secure, don’t place the crib beside the window.
What you should do before your baby’s bedtime
- Feed them enough before they’re sleepy. This will help them sleep well through the night
- Check the safety of the crib, mattress, bars, etc.,
- Check the temperature of the room: the ideal temperature is 80 degrees Fahrenheit
- Start talking to your baby before they sleep while they’re little. No matter what the story is, they may not understand, but your gentle voice can help them relax and fall asleep in the best way. And this is also a way for you to have more opportunities to be closer to your baby and to help them communicate by language faster.
- Massage your baby’s body while they’re lying in the crib. This is a way to help children sleep well that many people recognize. Every night before bedtime, parents should take a few minutes to do some gentle massage. Just simple movements such as massaging hands, feet, using gentle strokes also gives feelings of love to your baby. Therefore, your baby will have fun when they’re in their crib. This can in turn help them become more accustomed to their crib.
While your baby is sleeping in a crib
- Keep quiet
- Do not use baby sound machine too much because this makes babies’ ears work a lot while sleeping
- Remember not to dress your baby too warmly or use blankets that are too warm in the crib, this might make your baby overheat.
- Make sure your baby does not sweat or isn’t too cold
- If your baby suddenly cries, but their eyes are still closed, just coax or lull them softly back to sleep
Time for your baby to give up the crib
When your baby can stand on their own feet and have learned to walk, a crib is no longer suitable for him because they can completely climb out of the crib without us being aware.
Having your baby getting adjusted to something new may not be easy, however, it’s not too difficult. Just be patient, gentle and give it time.
Author bio:
Emma is the founder of ShrewdMommy, where she and associates blog about pregnancy advice, parenting insights, tips for mommy. Those experiences will somehow help you in your search for questions about pregnancy and baby tips. You can find her on Twitter and Facebook!