As you tackle the task of decorating your home for the holidays, it may be tempting to make everything Santa Claus or Jingle Bells related, but resist! You’ll want your home to maintain its classical style and charm, and too many gimmicky holiday decorations can ruin that. The best part of these desires is that they are entirely attainable, even on a budget (which you should absolutely make for yourself before you start decorating). If you want to decorate your home with the utmost class and style, pay attention to these decorating tips.
Learn to Recognize the Difference Between Tacky and Classy
First off, let’s define the biggest difference between tacky decorations and classy ones. Tacky decorations generally include a plethora of holiday characters, cheesy sayings, and plastic-looking green and red decorations. That being said, if you’re going for a more classy look, that doesn’t mean that you can’t have any decorations at all that boast Old St. Nick’s face or a holiday greeting. You simply need to avoid overwhelming your guests with too much of one thing. You can find plenty of Christmas decorations online that you can mix and match to give your home an elegant holiday feel. Remember the golden rule of decorating: all things in moderation. Consider sticking with some of the classy decoration ideas that follow.
Reflecting Light: Glitter Is In
Glitter is in, and gold is the new red and green. Though it reminds us of pine trees and holly berries, using all red and green decorations is the biggest decorating mistake you can make for holiday decor. Instead, look for glittering ornaments, wreaths, and other decorations in colors such as gold, silver, or blue. These colors will remind you of the holidays without being overwhelming.
Don’t Neglect Your Yard
While the inside of your home is the hearth where you will spend most of your holidays, it’s important to remember that you have an entire yard that you can use to get into the Christmas spirit! Whether it’s decking out your home’s exterior with lights, using landscaping elements to create a more classic holiday feel, or getting extravagant yard decorations to fit the season, there are too many elements of holiday decor that are possible in your yard for you to ignore it. Here is a good article about some ways you can start decorating your yard.
Garlands Gives a Classic & Classy Look
For a really classy look, focus your decorations around nature by using garlands draped stylishly throughout your home. You’ll want to look into garlands made from evergreen boughs, pine cones, and gold and silver ribbons. Drape these delightful decorations around windows, on mantelpieces, surrounding doorframes, and along banisters.
Centerpieces are Always Key
Whether you’re creating a centerpiece for your dining room table or for your coffee table, you’ll want to spend a little extra time getting it just right. A centerpiece will be the focus of whatever room it adorns, and it can make or break the type of holiday style you’re going for. Avoid holiday sayings and characters and instead focus on re-imagining more classy aspects of the holidays. For example, on your dining room table, you might want your centerpiece to hint at an evergreen tree with vases filled with pine boughs and pine cones, wrapped in a gold ribbon.
Don’t Damage Your Property
Sometimes, people can get carried away with decorating for the holidays and can end up causing damage or negative alterations to their property. Always decorate with the mindset that your home can return to its pre-holiday decor state. This is especially true for renters, as you could potentially face fines or lose your deposit due to property damage. Here is a general guide for decorating tips for renters.
The most important thing to remember is when your house is sparkling with the great spirit of Christmas, so are those in your home. Be sure to spend one of the best times of the season with your family so the true experience and nature of the holidays can be felt. A classy Christmas indeed.