Have You Seen the Swanky Clek Fllo?

Disclaimer: We did not receive compensation for this post.

I was recently browsing the internet for a new car seat and came across this beauty. Have you seen the new line of convertible car seats from Clek? Introducing the Clek Fllo, even the name sounds like something you want to just relax in. Enjoy the Fllo. What really drew our attention was the collaboration between Tokidoki and Clek. If you don’t know about Tokidoki you may either be living under a rock or you just aren’t of this world. If the Tokidoki prints aren’t enough to draw you to Fllo then you’ve got to check out the features.

Tokidoki Rebel
Tokidoki AllOver

The Fllo is designed for your little one who can sit upright unassisted up to 65lbs and can be used rear facing up to 50lbs. There aren’t a lot of convertible car seats that boast that extending rear facing stats.

It includes a Steel Anti-Rebound Bar, which improves stability by limiting rotation of the child seat, helping protect your child’s head from impact in the case of a collision.

There is also an Advanced Side-Impact Protection — Fllo was designed to protect your little one’s head in the event of a side-impact.

Energy-Absorbing Crumple Technology (EACT): Fllo was engineered to actively reduce the forces transmitted to your child in a collision using aluminum honeycomb deformable cores, which mimic the crumple zone technology found in vehicles.

Unique design improves rear-facing installation with an easy-access belt path, small footprint and Anti-Rebound Bar that provides a snug installation with ease.

Now this has got to be our favorite feature of it all. I have a family of 3 other siblings and getting 2 car seats in our SUV can mean not much room for anyone else in the back. The Fllo boasts a best-in-class narrow width under 43 cm (17 in.) at its widest point making 3-across seating possible in most vehicles. That is great for parents who are looking to fit 3 seats in the back. Perfect for parents with multiples.

Tailored in Crypton® Super Fabrics it provides permanent protection against moisture, stains and bacteria, the fabrics are GREENGUARD Select Certified and are free of brominated and chlorinated flame retardants.

Certified for use in aircraft which means that traveling with your little one by air will now be easier.

The Clek Fllo is available in a variety of colors and price range from $349.99 to $429.99. The price is very competitive with the other high end car seat makers but you’re paying for quality and the knowledge that your little one is safe and secure.

Now if you’re wondering when you can pick one up, they will be available early August 2014 at shop.clekinc.com and in stores across the country. Local retailers can be found at clekinc.com/retailers.

What do you love about the Clek Fllo? 

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