An accident can turn a lovely sunny beach vacation into a nightmare in a matter of seconds. The worst part is that beaches are almost always packed, and you could do your due diligence but still find yourself in an accident because of some else’s recklessness.
In some cases, these accidents are merely a result of unfortunate events, while in others, they are due to someone else’s negligence. Whatever the case, it’s important to focus on your full recovery as soon as possible.
Sadly, the road to recovery is usually filled with lots of challenges. Besides the pain and anguish you or the loved one may be feeling, you’ll also have to deal with expensive medical costs, not to mention lost wages.

Common Beach Injuries And How To Treat Them
Different types of injuries can occur at the beach. Some of them are minor and will require nothing more than a small bandage, while others can be fatal. Below are some of the most common beach injuries and how you may be able to deal with them to promote your recovery:
Sunburns happen a lot despite the fact that they are very easy to prevent. Mild burns can be self-treated with a non-greasy moisturizing cream. Hydration is also effective.
If the burns are too severe, seek medical assistance right away. Sunburns in young children aged one year and below should also be treated by a licensed medical practitioner.
Sunstroke is a severe condition that requires immediate medical attention. Some of the common symptoms of sunstroke are seizures, nausea, loss of consciousness, and disorientation. If you notice any of these symptoms and pause your vacation seek medical help right away.
Skin Cuts
Skin cuts can be due to shells and stones or pieces of glasses left behind by careless people on the beach.
You won’t need to cut your vacation short if the cut is minor. A basic first aid kit should do the trick. However, if it’s a deep cut, check into the local ER immediately.
Alcohol Poisoning
Alcohol poisoning is pretty common, especially when there is a lot of partying going on. The effects of alcohol poisoning can escalate fast, so it’s best to resolve the problem at the hospital.
Jellyfish Sting
Jellyfish don’t target humans, but if you cross its path, you’ll be left in excruciating pain.
After a sting, don’t wash the site with water, don’t scratch it, and don’t place ice on it. Vinegar is one of the quick remedies you can use. If the injury is severe, consult a physician right away.
Eye Infections
Ocean water contaminated with bacteria and dirt can cause ear and eye infections. You can clean your eyes with clean water when you are feeling itchiness or pain. If the problem persists, seek medical help.
Drowning is not common in well-guarded beaches, but it is one of the most catastrophic beach accidents. When you suspect a case of drowning, call the beach lifeguards and paramedics right away.
Investigating Beach Injuries
Investigating beach injuries is very important, especially when the injury has resulted in serious damages or fatalities. The investigation is critical for collecting evidence that you may require to build your case should you decide to pursue legal action.
The best thing to do here is to let the experts take on the inquiry on your behalf. This is the only way to build a water-tight case and get the compensation you’re owed.
Find a personal injury attorney and let them take over the investigations and your case.
How To Choose A Good Personal Injury Lawyer?
Here are the factors to consider when looking for a personal injury attorney:
- Practice Area
Different lawyers have different practice areas. Hiring an attorney who specializes in personal injuries comes with lots of perks, and that’s why they are highly recommended.
- Experience
Investigate the background of the attorney and get their credentials and practice experience. You could ask the attorney for these details directly, but you must conduct your own independent research. Find their firm online and check the reviews.
Besides the general practice experience, it’s also crucial to find a lawyer with excellent trial experience. This will come in handy when the other party tries to offer an insulting settlement.
- Convenience
It’s essential to work with a firm that’s committed to its clients. That’s why you need to have a meeting with an attorney before hiring them.
It’s also advisable to hire an attorney from the local area. Therefore, if the accident happens while you are on vacation in NY, you’re better off finding personal injury lawyers in New York as compared to somewhere else. They’ll be easier to access, plus they have more knowledge and experience in the local courtrooms.
- Availability
Struggling to get a hold of your lawyer while you are on your sickbed is the last thing you want. Hire someone who’s accessible. They don’t have to be available 24/7, but you should be able to reach them when you have urgent needs.
- Fees
It’s imperative to check the fees of the lawyer you are hiring and their billing process. A good personal injury attorney will only charge you after winning the case.
Injuries do happen during vacation, and the recovery journey can be long and hectic. We hope the above information will help you recover both healthwise and financially.