Tips for Preparing Your House for an Extended Vacation

Planning a vacation? Learn how to prepare your house for your absence with these helpful tips. Keep your home secure and worry-free.

Preparing Home for Vacation

Hitting the road and going on a vacation is one of the most enjoyable things in the world. It doesn’t matter where you’re going, who you’re going with, or where you’ll be going—as long as you’re doing something eventful and adventurous, you’ll surely be having the time of your life. This is why so many people decide to extend their vacations and stay on the road a bit longer than they’ve planned, trying to make the most of these occasions. However, doing that is quite enjoyable, but it’s also a bit challenging, especially when it comes to making sure that your life goes on while you’re on the road. Preparing your home for an extended vacation sounds like the most difficult thing in the world, but once you think about these problems, you’ll be able to find solutions in no time at all. Still, if you need some help making that happen, here are a few ideas to consider.

Preparing Your House for an Extended Vacation

Protect Your Home against Burglars

This is probably the most problematic issue you’ll need to deal with when getting your home ready for an extended vacation. Any home that’s left unattended for a while can become a target, and there might be quite a lot of potential thieves and burglars who could just be waiting for you to start your vacation. That’s why being proactive and boosting your home security is a must, so consider things like installing new deadbolts on your doors and new locks on your windows, as well as getting a new surveillance system that’s going to record everything that’s going on around your home. Also, get some motion detection equipment and connect all these things to your phone so you can see what’s going on no matter where you are. Finally, think about timed indoor and outdoor lights to keep the appearance of something being at home even when that’s not the case!

Think about Water Damage

This is another problem you have to take care of before you leave because nobody likes getting home from a vacation and finding their home full of water. That’s why you have to conduct a thorough inspection of your home and check out all faucets and pipes, making sure that there are no leaks. Moreover, look into your appliances, such as your dishwasher and your washing machine, just to be sure that they won’t be causing leaks either. Finally, have someone check your drains, and don’t hesitate to react immediately in case you notice that something might be wrong. Dealing with dangerous blocked drains on your own can be quite challenging, so deal with these issues professionally because that’s the only way to be peaceful while being away from home for a while.

Take Care of Your Thermostat and Other Utilities

Being away from home for so long means that you’ll be spending a lot of money while traveling, which is why saving as much money as you can at home is always a great idea. You can do that by adjusting your thermostat and thus reducing the consumption of energy when nobody’s at home. This will keep your bills low, but your home will still feel homely when you return, especially if you’re away during the winter. Other utilities in your home deserve your attention as well, so remember to shut off the water supply and unplug all your electronic equipment. This will help you control your spending and keep your home safe at the same time, so it’s a win-win solution for all those who love traveling for an extended period.

Talk to Your Neighbors

This is another amazing way to keep your home safe while you’re traveling, especially if you have a neighbor you can trust or a friend who lives nearby. Having someone come over and check out your home, making sure that nothing bad is going on, can turn out to be more helpful and meaningful than fancy gadgets and expensive surveillance equipment. Your neighbors can also check your home for flood, collect your mail, and use your driveway to park their cars because this will make potential burglars believe that someone is at home. All these things are meant to give the appearance of occupancy and prevent burglaries, so talk to your neighbors as soon as you can. So, give them a copy of your key, tell them all about your home surveillance system, teach them how to work your thermostat, and dedicate some time and energy to teaching them how to operate your security system. 

In Conclusion

Some of the other things you can do to prepare your home for an extended holiday include practical ideas such as getting new smoke detectors and alarms, preparing for weather disasters, hiring someone to take care of your lawn and garden, suspending deliveries and mail, and, in the end, not telling all your Facebook friends about your travel plans. Being cautious can pay off, and coming back to a safe and protected home after a long holiday is going to make all this effort worth your while!

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