Simple Self Care Ideas For The Holiday Season

 The holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year – at least, that’s what they keep telling us. While the holiday season can be filled with magic and wonder, more often than not, it’s accompanied by a healthy helping of stress and anxiety. Between prepping the holiday meals, making it to all of the Christmas concerts and dinner parties, putting up the tree, and everything else on your to-do list, things can get overwhelming fast.

That’s why it’s important to make self-care a priority this holiday season. By carving out a little time for yourself to rest, relax, and recharge, you’ll be in a much better place to take care of everyone else and help your family make magical memories they’ll cherish for years to come. Need some easy self-care ideas you can try for yourself over the next few weeks? Here are a few of my favorites:


You might not have time to book a day at the spa, but you do have time to draw yourself a warm bath, toss in your favorite bath bomb, and enjoy a relaxing soak in the tub. Grab your favorite magazine, pour a glass of wine, light a couple of candles, and put on your favorite playlist – and let the stress of the holiday season melt away for a little while. 


Exercise has proven to be a great endorphin-booster, a great way to beat a bad mood and overcome stress. One of the easiest ways you can show yourself a little love this holiday season? Schedule a workout! Whether you find time for a long walk around your neighborhood, challenge yourself on a run, sign up for your favorite bootcamp class, or drop into Zumba, you’ll emerge sweatier, healthier, and happier for it!


For some, time spent with friends is the best form of self-care – and when things get busy, it’s harder than ever to find time to get together. Schedule a lunch date, find time to call your best friend, or schedule a Zoom happy hour with someone you’ve been meaning to catch up with for a while. It’ll be a good way to focus your attention on something other than stressing about holiday plans and shopping lists. 


As a parent, the holiday season can feel like it’s all about taking care of everyone else. You’re cooking for your family, buying gifts for everyone else – what about you? If shopping is your favorite form of self-care, let yourself indulge in something small and buy yourself a gift! A new purse, a soothing candle, a cozy sweater, a bold new lipstick – it’s your choice. 

Don’t get so busy this holiday season that you forget to make a little time for yourself! That’s a guaranteed way to find yourself stressed, burnt-out, and totally unexcited about the holidays. Instead, make self-care a priority and pencil a few little treats into your calendar before you’ve had a chance to fill it with other plans! 

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