6 Shoe Shopping Tips for Back to School

We are still in the midst of back to school shopping. I can’t believe that the kids will be back in school in approximately 3 weeks. It seems like just yesterday they were released back into our care full time. No more school, and while it was great having them home, it’s also going to be nice seeing them back in school. Before we do that we have to go through the motions of shopping, back to school shopping that is. While it may seem like something we should be accustomed to by now, it can get really hectic. Back to school shopping means trying on clothes, shoes and attempting to find a little sanity amongst the chaos.  We are all in search of the latest trends for our little ones and shoes are sure to be at the top of the list.

Our kids grow so quickly that it is important to provide them with proper footwear that not only makes you happy but their feet too. Shoe shopping for kids can get very expensive over time as their feet grow at a rapid rate and you’ll be surprised to find that your little one’s feet have grown at least 1 size since you last shopped around for shoes.

I wanted to put together a few tips for you. Here are a few things to remember when looking for that perfect pair of  back to school shoes:

1. It’s important to measure a child’s foot before buying; feet are seldom the same size, be sure to buy for the larger foot which is usually the right foot for most. Just like adults children’s feet swell as well so shop later in the day to accommodate for a slight change in foot size.

2. Look for breathable materials. Their feet tend to sweat a lot, which is why kids usually have stinky feet, so look for a shoe that is preferably made of leather or even canvas as they tend to allow their feet to breathe.

3. Lace-up those shoes and let your kids do a walk around the store.  If they’re comfortable right away, it is the shoe to buy don’t purchase shoes that require a “break-in” period.

4. Look for a thick heel. There is a simple test you can do by pressing on both sides of the heel and if it doesn’t collapse you’ve found the pair! While toddlers don’t necessarily need heels, for older kids a heel of no more than 1 inch is preferable.

5. Check the shoe’s toe flexibility. Kids are active and they need the shoes to bend with them so put the shoes to the ultimate kid test in the store!

6. Always have the kids try on the shoes with the socks or nylons they plan on wearing with it, this way you know they have the perfect fit

You are now informed and ready to hit the store to find the perfect back to school shoes! And remember, never compromise quality just because you found a pair of shoe that was cheaper.

Are there any other tips you have for shoe shopping for kids? 

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