Last week we had quite a lot of snow and Madison, the great lover of snow, couldn’t wait to go out and play in it. Living my earlier years in the Caribbean, I’m still a spring/summer person at heart, but I tolerate the snow for my kids. Having lived in NYC for most of my life, you would however think that I’d love winter and the snow.
That, unfortunately couldn’t be further from the truth. I detest it! If you’re however looking for some fun activities to do in the winter with your family, I got you covered.
While fresh snow looks lovely for those who live in states and countries where there is none, the next day or two becomes a nightmare. Slush is by far the dirtiest thing, next to mud, you’ll see in the winter, but kids love it all. So, with Madison out in the snowmaking her snow angels on the lawn, I grabbed my camera and started taking a few photos of her.
I’m all about creating memories to last a lifetime and having photos of your kids during the stages of their life, photos that you can look back upon when they’re older. It’s also a good idea to also get in front of the camera with your children as well. I have quite a few photos of my mom with my children, but very few with us together since I was always the one taking the photos. It’s also the same with my own children. Besides the professional sessions we took together, very rarely, there aren’t a lot of photos with me in the picture. I know a lot of other parents can relate.
However, the inspiration today for my post came from my friend Tatanisha from A Worthey Read and her post, 55 photos to take of your children. It’s a must-read and a challenge to take at least a photo a week. I was totally excited about her idea, but when it comes to yearly challenges I’m no good. I like doing small things so I mentioned to her about doing a photo challenge for the season and since we’re in winter, how about 10 photos to take of your kids during winter. She loved the idea and so this post was born.
The winter season starts on December 21st and ends on March 20th, although it always seems as though the first drop of snow heralds in winter, sometimes as early as Thanksgiving, but unfortunately we’re still in the fall season. So I thought long and hard about what photos would be great and came up with quite a lot more than 10, but since I like starting small, here are 15 photos you should take of your kids during winter. For those who don’t have snow, I made a variation, so you can actually take more than 15.
- A photo with Santa (I just had to add this since winter starts BEFORE Christmas)
- Opening their gifts on Christmas day
- Your child playing in the snow (or outdoors if there is no snow)
- Making a snow angel or even building a snowman
- Sledding
- Ice-skating (you can go to a skating rink)
- Wrapped in a blanket
- Bundled up outdoors
- Drinking hot chocolate
- Together with their best friend
- Family game night
- Making a winter craft
- Watching a movie
- Reading a book
- Last but certainly not the least. A photo together!
Now, while you can take quite a LOT more photos, I’m giving you something to build upon, a starting point. So grab your camera, or cell phone and take these photos and start making some memories together. Before you know it, your little one will be all grown up and you’ll be wondering, “where did the time go?”. Cherish each and every moment and don’t forget to hug your little ones and say “I love you”. Be sure to check the temperature before going outdoors and always remember to bundle up.
Now if you want to do this as a challenge, I suggest posting at least 5 photos a month, or more if you prefer, and using the hashtag #candidwintermemories on Instagram. I’ll be searching for your posts.