Kid or Pet on a Leash?

Hey, I’m a kid! I may like to make noises like an animal but I’m NOT an animal. Who gave you the right to put us on leashes like we’re your pets? Luckily for me mommy doesn’t have a leash…

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A Toddler’s Guide to the Terrible Two’s

I got a letter from my good friend Emalee and I wanted to share it with all you other toddlers out there. This is some really great stuff, if you need pointers look no further. Emalee is a pro! Dear…

My Favorite Toddler iPad Apps

What? A 17-month-old has an iPad, you ask? Well, no, not really. I don’t personally own an iPad, but my mommy does, but you would think that it belongs to me since I use it more than she does. I…

Almost Wordless Wednesday: Me and My Piano

As most of you are aware, Wednesday is generally my speech therapy day. It’s the day when my Speech Therapist comes by to visit for an hour and I get to do whatever I want. It’s really not supposed to…

Wilson-Can Book Review

Disclaimer: I was given the product in this post for the purpose of a review. I was not paid in any way to write this review. All opinions are my own.  I received a very nice email from the author…

The Liebster Award

I have been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by fellow blogger Flip Flops and What Nots. Say what!! What’s that? What exactly is the Liebster Award? Well, mommy and I did a bit of research because we were curious…

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