How to Make a Great Budget-Friendly Coffee Right at Home

 Many millions of people worldwide enjoy having a nice cup of coffee. They may use a jar of instant coffee or a French press. Alternatively, they may make a pour-over coffee or buy a machine. There are loads of different blends to choose from that originate from all over the world. Some are weaker to taste, whilst others are more bitter and full of caffeine.

When it comes to drinking coffee from home, a person may be restricted by their budget. They may or may not have space for a machine either. Fortunately, there are ways to maximize the coffee drinking experience for each member of the household. Let’s look at a few right now. 


If someone’s budget will stretch to this, it can be a quick way to gain a strong cup of coffee- particularly first thing in the morning! The experts at say many people are searching online for the best budget deals. They are seeking machines that are the most economical to run, and want to see recommended models side by side. Potential customers also look to find out how to clean the machines or steam the milk. 


Columbian coffee can make a good choice, and if it’s sealed in a bag it will be fresher. Beans that are purchased from supermarkets are pre-roasted. This means the flavor will degrade over time. If it’s been exposed to light and air this won’t help the taste either. Buying a week’s worth of fresh beans from a local roaster is the best way forward, but not everyone can afford this route. Shops usually offer the choice of ground or unground beans. Anyone who can afford a bean grinder should get one and should use the coffee the minute it’s been ground. Check on the coarseness required as this can vary. For example, Turkish coffee has to be finely ground. 


This is important because it’s 98% of your drink! Water hardness takes its toll on coffee flavor. So do the minerals and chlorine that are put into tap water to keep it safe. For best results, use bottles of spring water or filtered water. The latter can be achieved by either adding special filters to taps or by using jugs containing them. 


This should be 200 degrees F (90-96 degrees C). If you boiled a kettle for the drink, leave it a couple of minutes so it can reach this level. Coffee machines make this aspect easier as they are programmed to stop at the designated heat level. 


For 6 ounces of water, add one tablespoon of coffee. Anyone who’s unsure if they have used enough should probably add a little more to the mix. Using a digital scale is a great way to be accurate with the measurements. Some people already have these for cooking purposes, in which case there’s no further expense needed. 


If at all possible, don’t cut corners when using coffee filters. The cheap ones may contain sediment and paper residue that will impair the taste of your drink. Ideally, look for dioxin free or oxygen bleached filters for your coffee. 


There’s no point in having decent coffee and then storing it badly. The coffee should be kept at room temperature or in a cool, dry place. Don’t keep it where the sunlight can get to it, and store it in an airtight container. The storage pot should be cleaned on a weekly basis. Any residue in the bottom of the jar will simply add to the bitterness of future drinks.

Some people keep their coffee in the fridge but this adds an unhelpful level of humidity to the coffee. If it’s frozen the residual water will turn to ice. In turn, this will restrict the coffee’s taste and smell. 


If coffee has been kept in a pot, it is possible to reheat it for consumption later. As much as this is money-saving, it is not advisable from a flavor viewpoint because the chemical structure of the drink will have changed.   

A French press will retain the coffee grounds once the drinks have been consumed. These same grounds could be used to make a new drink, but the taste will be bitter. The message here is that decent coffee can be drunk on a budget, but it’s not worth going too far to save money.

It’s not just the coffee that we buy that will determine our drink’s quality, but other factors too. When we take them all into account we will be able to maximize our coffee experience, no matter what our budget. 

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