Easter Traditions Every Family Should Have

Easter is here, which means it’s time to participate in some of your favorite Easter traditions! No matter how old your kids get, these Easter traditions are fun for the entire family. Which Easter traditions will you start this year?

Visit the Easter Bunny

Visiting the Easter Bunny is a tradition that every family needs to have. Not only will your kids love getting to “meet” a famous holiday figure, you’ll love it because of how cute your kids will look! You can make the most of your Easter Bunny visit and dress up the kids. Take advantage of the matching outfits and use this visit as an opportunity to take family photos.

Easter Egg Hunt

If you want your kids to have fun this Easter, then you need to start the tradition of arranging an Easter egg hunt. You can also make this Easter tradition more special by changing it up a little. Instead of a traditional Easter egg hunt, trying something different like a flashlight hunt after dark or assigning an egg color for each kid to find.

Plant Flowers

Easter is about new life, so make it a tradition to bring new life to your yard. This year, start the tradition of planting Easter flowers around the yard. Tulips, daffodils, and lilies are all flowers that would be perfect for your Easter planting. Soon, your yard will be beautiful and your family will have bonded over your experience.

Dye Easter Eggs

Dying Easter eggs is an Easter tradition that many families already participate in. If you’re not doing so already, then you definitely need to add this to your tradition list. To make things more exciting, you can decorate your Easter egg with stickers, crayons and more!

Bake Treats

Easter treats are definitely the highlight of Easter weekend! Get your whole family involved in the treat making process and enjoy some bonding time. These Easter treats can be anything, from Peeps cupcakes to spring colored Rice Krispie treats!

Easter is a great holiday for spending time with your family. What are some of your favorite Easter traditions?

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