If you’ve reached the point where it’s time to buy your teen their first vehicle, then you shouldn’t rush this decision. There’s a lot to think about here and get right. So, let’s explore some of the key factors.

Bigger Can Be Better
It could be worth thinking about buying a bigger car for your teen. Like it or not, teens are more likely to be taken advantage of by other drivers on the road. Drivers could cut them off or ride their tailgate. If you buy them a larger vehicle that is more imposing, this is far less likely to happen. Larger vehicles are more likely to keep your teen safe too. It’s far less likely that they’ll be seriously injured if they are involved in an accident. If you want one of the best larger vehicles on the market that could be perfect for a new driver we suggest exploring a GMC Acadia for sale. These come with all the latest safety features and are a delight to drive.
Think About Fuel Efficiency
You might also want to think about levels of fuel efficiency when you purchase a car for your teen. This is particularly important if they are going to be responsible for keeping it fully fueled themselves. You could even think about investing in a hybrid. While more expensive, they can be a dream on the road, going all week without needing a refill.
Key Safety Features
There are lots of different features that you can get on a new car that will make it safer for your teen to drive on the road. An example would be a car camera. If you have the right camera set up on the vehicle, then research shows it’s far less likely for the vehicle to get involved in an accident. This could be because either the driver or other cars on the road are likely to be more careful. Another feature to explore would be driver assistance tech. This is available on most modern cars in some form or another. It can be as simple as a warning that pops up when a driver seems to be tired due to their level of steering.
Insurance Options
Finally, before you commit to purchasing a specific car you should always look at the insurance options. You might find that the car you want to buy for them is just too expensive to insure. If you are buying a pre-owned car be aware that weird things can impact insurance. For instance, the color of the vehicle can make it more expensive. New cars are also often cheaper to insure overall. If this is a key consideration we recommend exploring a guide of the cheapest cars to get coverage on to see if one could be the right fit for your teen.
We hope this helps you choose the perfect first vehicle for your teen. If you make the right choice here, then you can guarantee that they do remain safe on the road and keep things affordable.