Blueberry Cantaloupe Cucumber Aqua Fresca

Hot steamy nights along with even hotter days, sounds like the start of an erotic romance novel. Unfortunately, it’s what summer has been like here for us in Southern Colorado. With the lack of humidity, the heat is just dry and intoxicating as my son would say and has had me staying indoors more often than not. With not a beach in sight and not even within close proximity, unless you’re driving a few states over, there aren’t many ways to cool down. With nothing but mountains surrounding us, you would think that it would be enough to keep us cool, but it’s not, so we keep cool, refreshing drinks such as our Blueberry Cantaloupe Cucumber Aqua Fresca near by.

The one thing that I absolutely love about summer is the abundance of fruits that you can find at your supermarket, grocers market, farmers market, or wherever you get your fruits from. Whenever certain fruits are in season, I always make sure that my refrigerator is stocked. The kids love to eat them and I love turning them into smoothies or refreshing drinks such as this one. If you’ve never had a blend such as our Blueberry Cantaloupe Cucumber Aqua Fresca, I recommend that you give it a try today. If you’re not a fan of blueberries, you can use blackberries or even strawberries, whatever your heart desires.

Blueberry Cantaloupe Cucumber Aqua Fresca


1/2 of a cantaloupe, cut in half, seeds removed, and skin removed, diced

2 cucumbers skin removed and sliced into 1′ rounds

1/2 cup of blueberries

4 cups water

¼ cup sugar

1 Lime juiced

1/2 Lemon juiced

2 Lime wheels


Cut your cantaloupe into halves, remove the seeds, skin  and slice into small chunks. Set to the side.

Rinse and pat dry the blueberries and also set to the side.

Remove the skin of the cucumber and slice into 1 inch rounds.

Place your cantaloupe, blueberries, and cucumbers into a blender.

Add 1/4 cup of sugar, lime juice, lemon juice, and the water to the blender.

Blend on high for about 30-40 seconds or the peaches and cucumbers have been liquified.

Serve and ENJOY!!

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