Windows play a significant role in our house’s structure.
For one, it allows you to let natural light and fresh air into your home. It also allows you to take a peek outside when you are too tired to look at the four corners of your room.
However, you are less likely to enjoy the view if your window has streaks. That said, we have listed eight tips on how you should clean your glass windows like a pro.

Do it on a cloudy day
Contrary to popular belief, it is not ideal for cleaning your windows on a sunny day. That’s because your window cleaning solution will dry and evaporate faster than usual.
Do it on a cloudy day instead or during a shadier time of the day.
Wipe dust and dirt first
Before you spray your cleaning solution, make sure that your window is free of dust and dirt. Otherwise, you will end up soaking the dirt, causing a muddy streak.
Instead, you can start by wiping the window with a dry cloth and then sweep the fallen debris using a brush or vacuum. If your window is grimy, dip a soft brush in hot, soapy water and use it to wipe your windows.
Clean from top to bottom
Here’s the thing: The cleaning solution you will use will likely drip down your glass windows. That said, it would be best to wipe them from top to bottom.
Doing so also allows you to wash the areas you may have overlooked lightly. After all, not everything can be reached using a brush or a microfiber cloth.
Moreover, taking advantage of gravity ensures that your window will be squeaky clean. This is the way professionals do it, knowing that this chore must be done with the utmost precision. There’s even software for window cleaning businesses that can help them easily track down the areas they’ve missed. For instance, planning the job is a lot easier if you know how to clean your glass window from top to bottom.
Use distilled water
The water you will use to clean your windows is essential. That’s because it can likely produce noticeable water stains and blemishes.
In case you do not know, tap water is hard water. Meaning, it has a high mineral concentration. This causes residue buildup when you use tap water to wash your windows.
As such, we recommend that you use distilled water instead. Since they are filtered water, it means that they are free of minerals. Thus, they are ideal to use when cleaning your windows.
Add some vinegar
When diluted with water, vinegar works as an all-purpose cleaner. Plus, it is convenient when cleaning your glass windows.
This has something to do with the vinegar’s acidic nature, which is believed to be an anti-bacterial property. If you are worried about the scent it will leave behind, you do not have to. That’s because it will evaporate eventually.
But what’s cool about using vinegar is that it is likely available in your pantry. And it is also more affordable to make your all-purpose cleaning solution than buying a window cleaner that is full of chemicals.
Hence, using a water-vinegar solution is ideal if you have pets.
Ditch your paper towels
According to EcoPro, a provider of commercial window cleaning services, you should not use paper towels when cleaning your glass windows. That’s because they leave a streak and lint with each stroke.
Instead, you can use a microfiber towel or squeegee. For one, they do not leave lint behind. Second, they are washable and reusable, so you are not sending more waste to the landfill.
Another great alternative would be old newspapers as you can add them to a compost bin after use.
When cleaning your glass window, though, you should not spray your cleaning solution directly on the glass. Spray it on your cloth or newspaper, instead, and then wipe it on the window. Doing so prevents the window frame from corroding, be it due to the chemical in your cleaning solution or the acid in your water-vinegar cleaner.
Use a dry cloth for quick buffing
Once you are done wiping your window with water and vinegar (or a window cleaning solution), you might see a streak or two.
To get rid of it, do a quick buff using a dry cloth like a chamois or a microfiber towel. Just make sure that the window is thoroughly dry before you wipe it.
Keep Your Windows Sparkling Clean
Ensuring that the window is clean does not take rocket science.
Once you see streaks and dirt buildup on your windows, prepare your dry cloth and cleaning solution. Find the most suitable time, like during a cloudy day, to clean your windows.
In relation to this, ensure that you are producing less waste as possible. Ditch the paper towels and use washable cloths instead. Opt for a water-vinegar solution instead of a chemical-based window cleaning solution.
Lastly, clean from top to bottom. Doing so prevents you from leaving streaks on your window.
But if you are pressed for time, always remember that you can hire a professional window cleaner. That way, you can maintain your glass windows’ cleanliness without having to stress yourself out.