We all go through certain times in our collective lives when we don’t exactly feel at our very best. It does not matter if you are going through a low mood due to a lack of endorphins in your body, or if you are suffering from stress and anxiety, or even if you are feeling a tad demotivated. There is no doubt that it is not easy to give your 100 percent when you are not feeling the need to do so. If this is the situation, it will certainly help if you were to find activities that will make you feel a whole lot better about yourself. Let take a quick look at some of them:

Take a Break from it All
If we continue to work on the same thing day in day out, it is likely that we won’t be able to succeed beyond a certain period of time. Sometimes just walking away from something for a few minutes can help you recharge your batteries. This will help to reduce the risk of burnout or excessive stress. In fact, even very small breaks can be effective in improving your attention time span. So reward yourself with some quality ‘me time’ to feel better and more energized, particularly after a grueling day at work.
A Nice Long Walk Is Very Important
Most doctors recommend that people should get some exercise every week. At least 2.5 to 3 hours every week. Getting out and moving for a little more than 20 minutes or so, per day will release the ‘feel good’ hormone dopamine. Many experts believe that walking is also an absolutely amazing way to not only increase physical health and longevity but also feel a whole lot better about yourself. It will lead to a more relaxed body and a better mood. In the long run, it can even help you cope with depression to a significant extent. If you are interested in feeling better, just head out to the nearest park for a slow jog or fast walk.
Use Music to Alleviate your Mood
Listening to music is always an enjoyable experience. However, there is a lot more to grooving to favorite beats. Many studies have successfully concluded that music has certain psychological benefits and it can even have a pronounced influence on your mood. As a matter of fact, listening to upbeat songs can act as a catalyst to improve overall happiness and make you feel pretty good with yourself as well as the world around you. So next time you feel a bit down, just load your favorite playlist of upbeat and catchy numbers for a really quick way to get that mood boost.
Take Care of the People around You
Helping others is a form of prosocial behavior. One that can really help you in feeling good about yourself and life in general. It can be anything as simple as helping out your neighbor to volunteering for a charity organization you like, to assisting a friend. When you help others, you will be engulfed by positive emotions akin to a ‘warm glow.’ You might consider fixing a meal for an ailing friend in need or taking part in a neighborhood cleanup. In the long run, you will feel really good about it all.
Take Up Indoor Gardening as a Hobby
Indoor gardening is one of the best hobbies you can have if you really want to feel good about yourself. There is a special joy in watching stuff we like, grow, and bear fruit and flowers. Not only will you get plenty of exercise, but you will also be able to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables. Alternatively, you can just enjoy your own homegrown flowers as they bloom for the first time. You can use a grow tent setup to create your indoor greenhouse.
Most of us have felt down at least a few times in our life. However, there are many activities one can undertake to feel better. From going for a walk to listening to music to growing indoor plants – you can do it all and feel better about yourself.