Children’s Book Series Featuring Black Main Characters ~ #BlackBooksMatter

Are you looking for children’s book series that feature black main characters? You’ve come to the right place, because I have a list for you! When I wrote and shared my post on books for black children written by black…

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Celebrating a Black Christmas & Kwanzaa With Books for Kids 🎄 ~ #BlackBooksMatter #ChristmasInJuly

Looking for Christmas books with black main characters? You may have noticed that I didn’t use the term African American Christmas books in my title because it’s a term that, while it may sound politically correct, really isn’t. For example.…

35+ Books for Black Children by Black Authors ~ #BlackBooksMatter

After I wrote my post on books celebrating African-American children many years ago, I wanted to follow up with a second. With the Black Lives Moment gaining momentum, and systemic racism being brought to the forefront, there is no time like the present…

Why We Celebrate Juneteenth & A Few Ways You Can Celebrate Too ~ #Juneteenth ✊🏾

Why do we celebrate Juneteenth, and how do we celebrate? It’s a question I was asked by a friend when I mentioned that we celebrate Juneteenth and have been celebrating Juneteenth every year for the past five years. It’s not…

Books You Should Read for Juneteenth ~ #BlackBooksMatter

What is Juneteeth, and why is it so important in the African-American community? Are there books you should read for Juneteenth? For those who may not know, June 19, 1865, is the day that the slaves became free. Some may…

Black Literary Classics You Should Have on Your Bookshelf ~ #BlackBooksMatter 📖

What are the black literary classics that you should own? How many do you have on your bookshelf, and how many have you read? If the answer is just one or two, or maybe none, you’re not alone. There are…

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